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Get player who runs script

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I am trying to avoid putting all of the units in arrays and having the arrays activate. Surely there is a way to have the script execute on the player who is running it. I just don't remember it if I have ever known.

An text suedo code would be like:

// unit named "x45" runs execVM "blah.sqf";
// blah.sqf retrieves player who activated script
// script inside blah.sqf is ran on unit x45, independent of the other players.

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Your description of the problem doesn't really explain what you want to accomplish and how?

A few things that might help you:

//pubvarclient as already noted earlier, to be ran from the server
myvariable = "some fancy stuff to execute or send to a client";
(owner playerobject) publicvariableclient "myvariable";

// Execute only if the player is local on the machine running the script
if (local player) then {};

//Retrieve player object to be used later on?
_playerobject = format ["%1",player];

//check if player is the desired "model" that the script should be executed on
if (player == desiredmodel) then {};

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