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A2 Island Fixes

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So, I spent some time to make A2 maps a little bit more playable and here is there result.


vehicle dust


lights at night



a3 penetration & particles effects

Bellow addon fixes:

*added missing stringtables

*penetration materials - no more bulletproof walls or trees

*added vehicle dust & friction to a2 surfaces - moving vehicels & infantry leave dust and no more driving offroad like on highway

*falling walls

*remove a2 & a2co from mods menu

*working street lamps


AiA or A3MP Pack


It can be used with AiA or A3MP Pack. In fact, I tried to keep A3MP structure so if you want to save some space you can remove or rename (change rds_ with a3mp_, bikeys may not working after that) folowing files:


Below is explanation how did I fixed those thing so if you have some custom maps you can freely adapt those tips :)


Wall bug

With a3 bis changed how trees are handled (how they fall). Since OFP, wall used same simulation like trees and now they introduced new one (because old one is not working very well with walls) - damage: Wall

In order to make your wall fall in nice fashion you need to change damage (or dammage) param to Wall

O2 Macro to speed up thing (replace damage param to wall)

#include "std\lodNames.inc"
#include "std\o2config.inc"
#include "std\paramFile.inc"
#include "CheckMat.inc.bio2s"
#include "std\flags.inc"

scopeName "CheckAll";


private "_res";
if (lastLodShow!=_this) then
               _res=eoln+"In level "+(_this call lodNameGetName)+":"+eoln;

#define ERROR(x) {console<<(_resol call inLodShow)<<"	"<<x<<eoln;}
#define ERROR_LOG(x) ERROR(x)

0 call

if (this in ["options"]) then {messageBox ["No options are available in this script!",0];BreakTo "CheckAll";};
if (typename this=="STRING") then
	if (!(p3d loadP3d this)) then {	console<<"Unable to open:"<<this<<eoln;BreakTo "CheckAll";};
	texpath=((splitPath p3dname) @ 0);
	console<<"Checking file: "<<p3dname<<eoln;
	p3dname=nameof this;
	p3dname=splitPath p3dname;
	p3dname=p3dname @ 2 + p3dname @ 3;
	texpath=o2GetConfig IDS_CFGPATHFORTEX;
	console<<"--------- Checking "<<p3dname<<" ------"<<eoln;

objects=getObjects p3d;
resols=getResolutions p3d;

       _hasView = false;
       _hasFire = false;
       _shadow0  = false;
       _shadow10 = false;

for "_i" from 0 to (count p3d-1) do
	private ["_obj","_resol","_isol","_numsect","_degen"];
	_resol=resols @ _i;
	_obj=objects @ _i;

	if (_resol<LOD_EDIT_MIN || _resol>=LOD_EDIT_MAX) then
                if (IS_LOD_GEOMETRY(_resol)) then
                        	_obj setProperty ["dammage","wall"];
               		console<<"Added wall damage geometry"<<eoln;



Street lights

Once again, one param changed.

In geometry lod you need to change class: Street Lamp to HouseSimulated

After that, you need to define your street lamp in config.cpp

Important, use following naming scheme

class LAND_nameofyourp3d

example config

class CfgPatches
class CAStructures_E_Misc_Misc_powerline
		"CAStructures_E_Misc","A3_Structures_F_Civ_Lamps" //<- that is important too!

class CfgVehicles
class Lamps_base_F;
class Land_PowLines_Conc2L_EP1: Lamps_base_F
	model="\ca\Structures_E\Misc\Misc_Powerline\PowLines_Conc  2L_EP1";
	class Reflectors
		class Light_1
			class Attenuation



effect are surface specific now. couldn't make to work array[] += so it replaces BIS effects - adding new surfaces might be a little bit tricky...

		leftDustEffects[] = {
[bis surfaces]

	//new surfaces - chernarus



Edited by Reyhard

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First let me thank you once more for all your effort and time ( being in the RHS mod, RDS tanks, static , civilians or this fixes ), I really think you are doing an awesome job, and I personally use all your mods. Keep it up :)

I don't know if its possible to fix it, but one thing that bugs me a bit with the A2 maps, is that some objects are material-less, for instance you can go through the bump in the road-rail crossings or in the sidewalks in the cities.

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First let me thank you once more for all your effort and time ( being in the RHS mod, RDS tanks, static , civilians or this fixes ), I really think you are doing an awesome job, and I personally use all your mods. Keep it up :)

I don't know if its possible to fix it, but one thing that bugs me a bit with the A2 maps, is that some objects are material-less, for instance you can go through the bump in the road-rail crossings or in the sidewalks in the cities.

Thanks, I was thinking about that thing a that's somehow connected with empty geometry on those objects - probably to avoid ai loosing his wheels. I will check if only adding physx lod will help anyhow and what performance impact it will have

ps: I don't think so :P

@ papy.rabbit.08 - I was thinking about merging it with aia but dunno when it will happen

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Thanks you for that. Really. I heard Alduric was working on something similar ( A3MP 1.5 ? ) but i didn't saw any updates, teasing, or news since ages. So, very much appreciated.

Edited by Dorak

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Thanks a lot, it will add more immersion to those existing maps :)


I don't see any street lamp on while flying driving around Chernarus at night time.

I'm using it with A3MP, everything is working properly :)

Edited by Papanowel

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Any chance you might peak into some of the Addon island issues? Clafghan, even with A3MP fixes, has some really jarring issues with stuff like water and fog. And I think a couple of maps share the same issues.

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Thanks, I was thinking about that thing a that's somehow connected with empty geometry on those objects - probably to avoid ai loosing his wheels. I will check if only adding physx lod will help anyhow and what performance impact it will have

ps: I don't think so :P

@ papy.rabbit.08 - I was thinking about merging it with aia but dunno when it will happen

Ok! I hope you also think about merging it with A3MP maybe :)

Are you going to make it available on the workshop or playwithsix?


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This is cool, hopefully it will be included in A3MP in the next patch

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This is fantastic, thanks very much for doing this (and also for including how you made these fixes) :)

Edit: Just noticed the file is 1.72GB? Is this mod not just config changes? Also, do you know if SIX will be hosting this?

Edited by Goodson

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We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

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Does this help with Panthera stability at all? Or Lingor maybe? I'd love to see those maps bug free!

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It's really important if you want to use A3mp files and those fixed to launch it in correct order so a3mp model gets overwritten by mine.

@ papy.rabbit.08 - I'm considering sending it to PWS using new collection thing but that will happen after I will get back to home.

Ah, and no steam for sure because current filesize limits is set on 987MB

@ Goodson - I wish, it was so easy - plenty of model changes here and there (described in first post)

I will try to answer rest of the question tomorow, got to go and thanks for the support!

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firstly, an awesome and much needed development. Thank you for it!

Now for the questions:

1. I use AiA SA and is the order in this mod line correct:

? When I put the fixes last, the whole game turns into an a2 game with Utes only available in the editor.

2. The next question is about shooting through windows of buildings: is this possible with the mod now and does it work on all A2 buildings?

3. Finally, am I correct in assuming that the mod affects all islands utilizing A2 buildings?

Once again, thank you so much for working on this!

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Me like. I didn't notice this stuff, but every little thing is important.

Good job!

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Thank you very much for this! I found myself loading up the old A2 maps in A3 very seldom, mainly due to the missing streetlights but you sir seems to have changed all that - great work and thanks for sharing files as well as knowledge!

PS: Hope to see it merged with Aldriuc's and kju's goodies in the future!


Edited by KeyCat

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Can't wait to try this, hopefully I will be able to now remove all the maually placed streetlamps from Clafghan :D

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I can confirm that it works very well with A3MP! Nice!

Only problem: the lights don't turn on very far away, they turn on only when you pass by, so the distance should be greater. This problem appears more if you're in a helicopter at night of course!

Edited by papy.rabbit.08

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Any chance on getting pond objects working again?

Or thats something only the devs can fix?

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New mod v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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I can confirm that it works very well with A3MP! Nice!

Only problem: the lights don't turn on very far away, they turn on only when you pass by, so the distance should be greater. This problem appears more if you're in a helicopter at night of course!

Hope there is a way to fix that since I love to fly helicopters at dusk/night...


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