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ArmA 2 full of script errors lately, any ideas?

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Hi guys,

came back to ArmA 2 the other day. Have there been groundbreaking updates, maybe some change in the variables scope? Just guessing. No matter what mission I load, no matter if I use the Beta (1.63.116523 here), in vanilla DayZ, Daizy single player... whatever, it's all full of script errors (I'm playing with -showScriptErrors). So many undefined variables. I saw hints from the "hint" command with text "any", I know that this happens with outputting undefined variables.

One example: latest DayZ vanilla via six, MP server search for "sindbad". Also quite a few script errors.

Do you have an idea? Do you observe the same?

Currently I do not feel like starting SP missions, because I think the undefined variables are often important ones and a lot would not work...

Please help

Or maybe all DayZ missions have been a mess always, their creators do not even know about -showscripterrors and the errors have always existed? But honestly I do not think so. :)

EDIT: the call is:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ARMA2OA.exe"  "-mod=c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;EXPANSION;ca;BAF;PMC;ACR;@DayZ" -nosplash -nologs -showScriptErrors -skipIntro -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7

PLEASE, if someone has a working ArmA II, please write down the full command line (if you have Sysinternals process explorer, after double click the process you can copy it).

I don't get the cba,ca, cba_co,expansion,expansion\beta,expansion\beta\expansion\beta\expansion^n\ stuff sorted out any more. Do you run Beta or the Steam exe in OA dir...?

Edited by tortuosit

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Maybe someone want to look at the RPT? ArmA is freshly installed, profiles have been deleted, command line minimal, no success at all. ca errors, divisions by zero (those are probably array undefined elements), undefined variables.

Started ArmA 2 with no mods except BAF/PMC/ACR.

Started "Trial by Fire" BIS scenario.

Fresh and resulting RPT already full of errors: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5gzu8j8iwzbj8np/ArmA2OA.7z

EDIT: Bad rpt, accidentally loaded @dayz. Problem solved, see next post.

Edited by tortuosit

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Solved it.

- Downgrade to 1.62 via Steam

- Set Steam to not update Arma 2 OA.

- Delete oa\expansion\beta\ folder

- Install Beta http://www.arma2.com/downloads/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_103718.zip (A later one may be possible, I did not try.) - Betas: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patches

- mklink "oa\addons" from source: arma2\addons

Basics of my command line (replace variables, obviously):

"%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" "-mod=EXPANSION;ca;Expansion\beta\expansion;[...mods]" -showScriptErrors

Just keep in mind: whenever DLCs are uninstalled (may happen on steam repair files), start Steam as Admin once, start Arma - this way DLCs get reinstalled.


Edited by tortuosit

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Running with -showScriptErrors shows previously unreported errors that are being reported under v1.63.

From the changelog for v1.63:

[84265] Improved: Abnormal program termination by an error message is now more robust, less likely to cause a bogus crash report or to miss the message box.

It seems under the previous, less robust reporting system (v1.62 and prior) errors "missed the message box", but under the more robust reporting (v1.63) they get reported. And certain errors are part of looping functions that continuously spam the reporting. Using -showScriptErrors will constantly flash them.

Some scripts stop when reported, giving the impression the update "broke the game", where in fact the errors have always been there but reporting improved and it affected gameplay (translated as: "broke the game").


Rollback to v1.62 brings back the previous less robust reporting system. Good for gameplay. The new reporting helps with mission building. Stronger debugging.

If playing rather than editing, remove command line -showScriptErrors and they won't flash on screen. Using the new command line -nologs will prevent the report log from piling up.

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