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UAV terminal issue

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As the tittle says, I'm having an issue with the UAV terminal. I made all the loadouts of my units for a mission by script and the one who is supposed to be the player doesn't have the option to use the UAV terminal even though he has it. I checked with the other units and it works for them but not for the player. Any idea why ?

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There is terminal for each side. Is the side of that diver same as the side of used UAV Terminal? Is that Terminal assigned in the GPS slot of given unit?

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Yes it is, that's why I don't understand why it works for the other units and not the player...

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which diver and what side?

e.g. Blufor Explosive Diver

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Yes it is, that's why I don't understand why it works for the other units and not the player...

In that case, I would recommend to create a ticket on Feedback Tracker. It would be great if you could attach a simple repro mission as well. All units should be able to use an UAV Terminal if assigned in the proper slot.

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Finaly found the problem. Turns out it came from the script generated by the new Arma 3 virtual armory I used to set up the loadouts of my units. It appeared to be written:

delta1 addWeapon "B_UavTerminal";
delta1 linkItem "O_UavTerminal";

instead of both "B_UavTerminal".

Thanks anyway guys :)

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