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Help fixing Factory Script

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Hi i need some help fixing this script i keep getting an error at this point.

Error is undefined variable : _min_factory

["vehiclequeue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["aircraftqueue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["tvehiclequeue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["weaponqueue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["itemqueue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["avehiclequeue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["tavehiclequeue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["alcoholfactoryqueue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["terrorfactoryitemsqueue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["diamondqueue", []] call stats_init_variable;

["furnacequeue", []] call stats_init_variable;

factory_object = 0;

factory_id = 1;

factory_name = 2;

factory_crate = 3;

factory_spawn = 4;

factory_items = 5;

factory_cost = 6;

factory_storage = 7;

factory_queue = 8;

all_factories =


[ Vehiclefactory, "factory1", "Vehicle Factory", dummyobj, vfacspawn, _vehiclefactory, 5000000, "Fabrikablage1", "vehiclequeue"],

[ Aircraftfactory, "factory2", "Aircraft Factory", dummyobj, airfacspawn, _aircraft_factory, 8000000, "AircraftFactory1", "aircraftqueue"],

[ ItemFabrik_1, "factory3", "General Factory", igunbox,dummyobj, _itemfactory, 650000, "Fabrikablage3", "itemqueue"],

[ weaponfactory, "factory4", "Weapon Factory", wfgunbox,dummyobj, _weaponfactory, 10000000, "Fabrikablage4", "weaponqueue"],

//[terrorshop2,"factory5","Terror Factory",dummyobj,tfacspawn,_terrorfactory,300000,"Fabrikablage5", "tvehiclequeue"],

[ tairshop, "factory6", "Terrorist Vehicle Factory", dummyobj,tairspawn, _tairfactory, 20000000, "Fabrikablage6", "tavehiclequeue"],

[ alcoholfactory, "factory7", "Alcohol Factory", dummyobj, dummyobj, _alcoholfactory, 1000000, "Fabrikablage7", "alcoholfactoryqueue"] ,

//[terrorfactoryitems, "factory8", "Terror item factory", tgunbox,dummyobj, _terrorfactoryitems, 600000, "Fabrikablage8", "terrorfactoryitemsqueue"]

[ ringfactory, "factory9", "Ring Factory", dummyobj, dummyobj, _ringfactory, 2500000, "Fabrikablage9", "diamondqueue"],

[ Furnace, "factory10","Furnace", dummyobj, dummyobj, _furnace, 1500000, "Fabrikablage10","furnacequeue"]



factory_init = {

//player groupChat format["factory_init %1", _this];

private["_player", "_factory_id"];

_player = _this select 0;

_factory_id = _this select 1;

if (not([_player] call player_human)) exitWith {};

if (isNil "_factory_id") exitWith {};

if (typeName _factory_id != "STRING") exitWith {};

private["_factory", "_queue_name", "_items"];

_factory = [_factory_id] call factory_lookup_id;

if (isNil "_factory") exitWith {};

_queue_name = _factory select factory_queue;

_items = _factory select factory_items;

private["_workers_name", "_workers"];

_workers_name = format["%1workers", _queue_name];

[_workers_name, 0] call stats_init_variable;


private["_item", "_prod_name", "_eta_name", "_pend_name", "_avail_name"];

_item = _x;

_avail_name = format["%1avail", _item];

_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];

_eta_name = format["%1eta", _item];

_prod_name = format["%1prod", _item];

[_avail_name, 0] call stats_init_variable;

missionNamespace setVariable [_pend_name, 0];

missionNamespace setVariable [_eta_name, 0];

missionNamespace setVariable [_prod_name, 0];

} forEach _items;


_queue = missionNamespace getVariable _queue_name;


private["_item", "_pend_name"];

_item = _x;

_pend_name = format["%1pend", _item];

_pend = missionNamespace getVariable _pend_name;

_pend = _pend + 1;

missionNamespace setVariable [_pend_name, _pend];

} forEach _queue;


factory_calculate_production_cost = {

//player groupChat format["factory_calculate_production_cost %1", _this];


_item = _this select 0;

if (isNil "_item") exitWith {0};

if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {0};


_buy_price = (_item call INV_GetItemBuyCost);

_sell_price = (_item call INV_GetItemSellCost);

// simple forumla for calculating the production cost

// in order for factory owner, to make a profit, the production cost

// must be lower than the amount the items sells for ...

// whatever extra money the factory owner makes after selling the item is

// called the profit margin.

// We are fixing here the profit margin to 10%


_profit_margin = 0.3;


_cost = _sell_price - _sell_price * _profit_margin;



factory_calculate_production_time = {

//player groupChat format["factory_calculate_production_time %1", _this];

private["_item", "_workers"];

_item = _this select 0;

_workers = _this select 1;

if (isNil "_item") exitWith {0};

if (isNil "_workers") exitWith {0};

if (typeName _item != "STRING") exitWith {0};

if (typeName _workers != "SCALAR") exitWith {0};

if (_workers <= 0) exitWith {0};


_item_cost = (_item call INV_GetItemBuyCost);

// simple linear formula for calculating the production time ...

// the more workers you have, the lower the production time

// the more expensive the item is the higher the production time


_eta = (_item_cost * 0.01125);

_eta = (_eta) min( maxmanitime);

_eta = (_eta * 5) / _workers;

_eta = round(_eta);



factory_lookup_id = {


_id = _this select 0;

if (isNil "_id") exitWith {nil};

if (typeName _id != "STRING") exitWith {nil};


_factory = nil;


private["_cfactory", "_cid"];

_cfactory = _x;

_cid = _cfactory select factory_id;

if (_id == _cid) exitWith {

_factory = _cfactory;


} forEach all_factories;



factory_player_near = {

//player groupChat format["factory_player_near %1", _this];

private["_player", "_distance"];

_player = _this select 0;

_distance = _this select 1;

if (not([_player] call player_exists)) exitWith {nil};

if (isNil "_distance") exitWith {nil};

if (typeName _distance != "SCALAR") exitWith {nil};

private["_min_distance", "_min_factory"];

_min_distance = _distance;

_min_factory = nil;


private["_cfactory", "_cdistance", "_cobject"];

_cfactory = _x;

_cobject = _cfactory select factory_object;

_cdistance = _player distance _cobject;

if (_cdistance < _min_distance) then {

_min_distance = _cdistance;

_min_factory = _cfactory;


} forEach all_factories;



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Change _min_factory = nil; to either _min_factory = _nil; or _min_factory = _nul;

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In 1.63 nil variables are deleted (they used to be kept). Using _nul as suggested won't work unless _nul is also defined (else you'll get another undefined variable error). You should predefine _min_factory by its null type, objNull.

Using null type, if it's being returned, any check on the return should use if IsNull/if !isNull rather than if isNil/if !isNil.

From the 1.63 changelog:

[97926] Changed: Scripting: When a global variable is assigned a nil value, it is now deleted (was kept with a nil value).

Edited by OpusFmSPol
added changelog mention

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