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Global Briefings for sp

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So I have a trigger where one group is done with a task the trigger fires with selectplayer andrei from the original player whose name is thepilot. They are in different groups one named hoplite1 and the other hoplite2. When I switch to andrei all the briefings and tasks of thepilot no longer show up. How do I make it where they all share the same briefing?

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tasks are local to your player? I don't think you can assign tasks to AI groups like you should assign them to human players.

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Yeah I always thought they followed the player, but they don't apparently. They stick to the original player unit and stay with it even if you switch to another unit in another group as player.

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Have you ever considered using Magic.

Seriously, working in editor demands the use of a magic wand at times. Pisses me off big time!

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The solution is to create briefing tasks and briefing notes for named units rather than the generic player. This makes briefing generation reliable.

An example with two tasks for playable units are named alpha1, alpha2 and alpha3 as it would appear in the briefing.sqs:

task2a = alpha1 createSimpleTask ["Extract by helicopter"];

task2a setSimpleTaskDescription ["Extract by helicopter", "Extract by helicopter", "Extract by helicopter"];

task2a setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "obj2";

task1a = alpha1 createSimpleTask ["Gather intelligence"];

task1a setSimpleTaskDescription ["Gather intelligence", "Gather intelligence", "Gather intelligence"];

task1a setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "obj1";

task2b = alpha2 createSimpleTask ["Extract by helicopter"];

task2b setSimpleTaskDescription ["Extract by helicopter", "Extract by helicopter", "Extract by helicopter"];

task2b setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "obj2";

task1b = alpha2 createSimpleTask ["Gather intelligence"];

task1b setSimpleTaskDescription ["Gather intelligence", "Gather intelligence", "Gather intelligence"];

task1b setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "obj1";

task2c = alpha3 createSimpleTask ["Extract by helicopter"];

task2c setSimpleTaskDescription ["Extract by helicopter", "Extract by helicopter", "Extract by helicopter"];

task2c setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "obj2";

task1c = alpha3 createSimpleTask ["Gather intelligence"];

task1c setSimpleTaskDescription ["Gather intelligence", "Gather intelligence", "Gather intelligence"];

task1c setSimpleTaskDestination markerpos "obj1";

Then in the on activation field of the trigger the individually named tasks are updated, for example:

VictoryCondition1 = 1; publicVariable "VictoryCondition1"; "1" ObjStatus "DONE"; task1a settaskstate "SUCCEEDED"; task1b settaskstate "SUCCEEDED"; task1c settaskstate "SUCCEEDED";



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tried it out, thanks works like a charm.

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You are welcome,glad to be assistance.


The command is in fact not obsolete, regardless what the Wiki says. It provides a visual and audible clue with regard to the completion of the task in A2/CO. Reports of its demise on the Wiki are a bit premature.



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