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Help with underwear for my mod.

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I've read pomigit's post about the ARMA 3 Underwear modding guidelines, but I'm still stuck. I'm relatively new to config modding, but I have been getting where I want to with soldiers etc.

I'm now stuck at underwear. I have made an weapons entry that creates the actual underwear with properties etc, then a character that wears the underwear but nothing else.

Problem is when assigning nakedUniform to one of my soldier classes, the game will only display the last used uniform. If I use my custom camo uniform, it will show on my soldier, but when I remove it from my inventory, the custom camo uniform remains in place. If I go pick up a mcam uniform from a vanilla soldier and equip it, I'll see the Mcam on my soldier, but when I drop the MCAM, I'll still appear to be wearing it. So it seems my soldier is "keeping" the last uniform I had on, and does not have a nakeduniform infact.

Here is my uniform in cfgweapons code:

	class NORAF_Underwear_D: Uniform_Base
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "NORAF Underwear Desert";
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"NORAF_Addons\Data\NORAF_Underwear_Desert.paa"};
	picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_BasicBody_ca.paa";
	model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
	class ItemInfo: UniformItem
		uniformModel = "-";
		uniformClass = "NORAF_Underwear_Desert";
		containerClass = "Supply0";
		mass = 1;

Here is my naked man example that works fine ingame with correct clothing:

	class NORAF_Nakedman_D: I_Soldier_base_F
		_generalMacro = "I_Soldier_base_F";
		side = 1;
		faction = NORAF_Faction;
		scope = 2;//1 = private and ensures it doesnt list as a character in the editor
		author = "Str|ke";
		vehicleClass = "NORAF_Army_Desert";
		displayName = "NORAF Example Underwear";
		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\basicbody";
		uniformClass = "NORAF_Underwear_D"; //Your underwear class in cfgweapons
		weapons[] = {};
		magazines[] = {};
		respawnWeapons[] = {};
		respawnMagazines[] = {};
		items[] = {};
		linkeditems[] = {};
		respawnlinkeditems[] = {};
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"NORAF_Addons\Data\NORAF_Underwear_Desert.paa"};
		class Wounds
			tex[] = {};
			mat[] = {"A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_black_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_hairy_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_old_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat","A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_asian_bald_muscular_injury.rvmat"};

And finally the soldier that won't show the naked uniform:

	class NORAF_Team_Leader_D: I_soldier_F 
	_generalMacro = "I_Soldier_F";
	side = 1;
	faction = NORAF_Faction;
	scope = 2;
	author = "Str|ke";
	vehicleClass = "NORAF_Army_Desert";
	nakedUniform = "NORAF_Underwear_D";
	uniformClass = "NORAF_Desert_Camo";
	displayName = "Team Leader";
	identityTypes[] = {"Head_NATO"};
	genericNames = "NORAF_nor_names";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\NORAF_Addons\data\NORAF_Desert_Camo.paa"};
	linkedItems[] = {"V_PlateCarrier3_rgr","H_HelmetB_light_sand","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","NVGoggles","optic_MRCO"};
	Items[] = {"FirstAidKit","FirstAidKit"};
	weapons[] = {"arifle_mas_hk416_acog_acc_gl_d","hgun_Rook40_F","Throw","Put","Rangefinder"};
	magazines[] = {"30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","HandGrenade","HandGrenade","SmokeShell","1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellGreen","UGL_FlareWhite_F","UGL_FlareWhite_F","Chemlight_green","Chemlight_blue"};
	backpack = "B_AssaultPack_dgtl";

Please give me a pointer to where I'm going wrong, and why it's acting out.

Thank you!

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In your underwear uniform class make sure uniformClass points to the correct unit.

class NORAF_Underwear_D: Uniform_Base
       scope = 2;
       displayName = "NORAF Underwear Desert";
       hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"NORAF_Addons\Data\NORAF_Underwear_Desert.paa"};
       picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_BasicBody_ca.paa";
       model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
       class ItemInfo: UniformItem
           uniformModel = "-";
           uniformClass = "NORAF_Nakedman_D";
           containerClass = "Supply0";
           mass = 1;

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Well that must have been the only thing I havn't tried. Thank you very much for your kind help!

So to get this straight: The weaponscfg tells the game that the uniform is an "item", but it requires a soldier (body) to apply it to in cfgvehicles. When a soldier class has the parameter nakedUniform pointing to the weapon class, it then tells the game to load this uniform, by swapping through the "uniformClass" parameter and point it to the character in cfgvehicles, which wears the uniform?

Wow if that makes any sense, please confirm :)

Anyways, thanks!

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Yep! That makes sense to me.

Once you have setup a uniform class and unit class pairing, you can use that uniform class on multiple units. In those units you do not have to include settings like hiddenSelections.

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