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User-made-mission don't work proberly when played on a leased server

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Hey guys,

i've encountered some strange problems with my game since i leased a game server a few weeks ago. My missions didn't work proberly, instead a lot of "bugs" accrued, for example:

- the command this addbackpackcargo ["B_AT_01_weapon_F",2]; simply doesn't work at all. In singleplayer mode or when i host a game directly in arma everything works fine. When I load the mission onto the server and start the game the command seems to be deactivated. The defined Weapon doesn't appel in the MRAP as it should.

- Triggers did not switch my (the players) waypoint. When the trigger is activated, my HOLD GROUND waypoint usualy disappeared and the next waypoint was activated, but when I play on my server, the activated doesn't happen. It says HOLD GROUND all the time.

- AI chopper-pilots have a serious problem: when I order my men to enter a ghost hawk above our heads, the bird should land automatically, so we can jump in. This automatism also don't work, when I play on my server.

I have no idea what could be wrong. o.O Something wrong with my server? Do I have to use some special commands to make the whole think work properly on my server?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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The main Problem here is multiplayer Locality.

Addbackpackcargo is a local command. it gets executed where the unit is local, and only there. when you host the game, it is local on your machine and therefor you see the backpacks in the hunter. on your dedicated server, it is local to the server, but not to you, so only the server could see the content (wich is useless).

same is for triggers. triggers don't get synchronized, therefor the condition must be true to all machines (i don't know much about using triggers with waypoints, though. i don't give waypoints to players)

for the chopper thing... no idea.

see more here: Biswiki/Locality_in_Multiplayer

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