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Santa Six

Weapon effect customization question

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Where are muzzle files located and how or from where are they called on? Everything seems to share the same BIS_effects_rifle in the configs. Are they attached to the model, mag, or bullet?

(I searched for "muzzle effect" and nothing came up)

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ok what specifically are you trying to do? it may help us to answer the question better.


muzzleEffect = "BIS_Effects_Cannon"; - this will give you a massive blast of fire and smoke

muzzleEffect = "BIS_Effects_Rocket"; - this gives you an exhaust smoke to the rear (i think)

effectsMissile = "missile1"; - you can make new effects for missile smoke trails here

simulation = "shotSpread"; - makes your gun fire 7 shots in a spread

cartridge = "FxCartridge_Shotgun"; makes your gun eject a shotgun shell etc

simulation = "shotShell"; makes your tank blast dust outwards when this is fired


fireLightDuration = 0;

fireLightIntensity = 0;

these give you zero muzzleflash for SD weapons, or if you make them brighter than 0.05 they can blind you lol

then in the model itself you have the zasleh/ muzzleflash memorypoint and (sorry i dont model so not sure) the type of flash?

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