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Need Help Making Terrain

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I am making some terrain for arma 2 OA and I do not under stand the tut on the wiki.I am having trouble with this part on the tut, I will highlight the part. If you can help me in anyway it would be better then goggling it for the next year.

To do that we can easy create a small bat or use the windows command line:

Command line

Press the windows start button in the lower left.

Select run.

Write cmd and press enter.

Write cd /D p:\ca and press enter.

Run the following command: xcopy *.cpp P:\<YourNamespace>\ca\ /S /Y.

It will then copy all configs to your project folder with the correct folder structure.

Batch file

Download copy_cpp.bat.

Put it in your P:\CA\ folder.

Run it.

Copy the ca folder from p:\tut to your own project folder.

Source of copy_cpp.bat:

xcopy *.cpp P:\TUT\ca\ /S /Y

Improved version to be able to run the batch from any location:

cd /D p:\ca

xcopy *.cpp P:\TUT\ca\ /S /Y

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Well first off this is the wrong section for this. Should have posted in the terrain thread for arma2.

After you installed the tools and they created your p drive you should download arma2p which can be found here:


Run that program(you may need others installed first like depbo and such) that will unpack all game files and properly order them correctly into your p drive as well as set up a folder called wrp projects which you can use to place into your project folder(those are configs only for your island build) otherwise no animations (doors and such) will work on your island.

Now after I typed all that I just remembered if you download pboproject from that website and use that rather than binpbo(trust me it's better than binpbo anyway) you no longer need to do any of the above (what I said and what you posted)other than run arma2p, the program does the island configs on the fly as long as you specify the root folders such as "ca" in the programs setup menu

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