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[Script] GPS_Script

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i wrote a very small script.

Its like the C Tab.




Now its possible to activate the GPS on every object. Its up to you. Maybe a laptop or a radio,...

You activate the GPS via small addaction and the gps shows you the vehicles with gps inside on the map after a 30 seconds delay.

Also you will hear a small beep and see the GPS Icon.


The Download includes all files and data you will need in your missionfolder.

Just read the "Readme" in the folder.

Feel free to use this Script and modify it.

How to use:

1. Put the files in the mission folder of your mission.

2. Open ArmA 3

3. open Editor

4. Place a vehicle with a Name (your choice)

4.1 Place also a object of your choice with init:

gps = GPS_Radio addAction ["<t color=""#1"">" +"GPS Activate","TSS_GPS_Script.sqf",[],1,true,true,"","_this distance _target < 2"]; gps2 = GPS_Radio addAction ["<t color=""#1"">" +"GPS Deactivate","TSS_GPS_Script2.sqf",[],1,true,true,"","_this distance _target < 2"];

5. Place a Marker with a Markername. Maybe a good idea to name the Marker like "Marker_VehicleName"

6. Open the TSS_GPS_Script.sqf


GPS=true; /////////////This is the publicvariable of the GPS_activation

PublicVariable "GPS"; /////////////

while {GPS} do {

["<img size='2' image='scripts\TSS_GPS.paa'/><br />",(safezoneX- 1.45)/2,-(safezoneH-3.45)/2,10,0,0,3054] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;

[GPS_Radio, "TSS_GPS"] call CBA_fnc_globalSay3d;

while{not isnull vehiclename} do {"Markername" setmarkerpos getpos Vehiclename; sleep 30.0;}; //////////30 seconds until the GPS is sending



7. Open the TSS_GPS_Script2.sqf

You can see the publicvariable for deavtivating the signal

Hope you can use it in a mission.

Feel free to use it and modify it.


You will need:


Edited by Cigar0

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