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Regulary crash to desktop

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Hello all

Having alittle trouble with game crashing to desktop:confused: with steam still working ok. This happens about every 25-35 mins with no warning.

I've update video, motherboard and sound drivers, I've also looked through the forum,...I can see other crash reports but nothing like mine.

I've also got another issue with the chat system in the MP. I can call up the chat box with "/" but I cannot see the chat ingame, I cannot also see system message too:confused:

If anyone can help I would be thankfull.


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Hello, wondering if temps are crashing you. Dust-bunnies on the cpu heat-sink will do that.

Some problems with the steam linky option, turn it off.

I got a blizzard 'round here, but down-under maybe heat?

As to the chat, known issue. Don't know the status --there's threads you can look for 'bout that.

For me, hot temps would freeze the game where i'm looking --need to alt+tab out to kill the task.

GameBooster3 or MSI afterburner are good apps for temps and generating specs if we need to look closer.

Keep us posted.

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Hi again

I've cleaned the heatsink on the cpu and GC, still having the same issue with crashing to desktop.

Would like to have alook at the RPT file but cannot find in the version of the game? dose anyone know where it is kept on windows7?


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hi all

I've delete the RPT files and will post the results when I know.

Thxs Ratszo for your help.

Also discovered some mods in the Arma3 steam directory,...so I delete the folders.


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Are you crashing only in multiplayer? Also, use feedback.arma3.com to report crashes. Click on the "guide" button to know how to report crashes correctly.

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Yes FrankHH I am only crashing in multiplayer, Been trying to Submit a report to the bug system but I cannot get past creating an account.

tried number of different attempts to create an account but the website keeps rejecting my applications.

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Yes FrankHH I am only crashing in multiplayer, Been trying to Submit a report to the bug system but I cannot get past creating an account.

tried number of different attempts to create an account but the website keeps rejecting my applications.

Any anti-virus running?

Problem with port scaning or something with some brands like AVG and others.

Saw some post in multiplayer section on this.

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