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[SP Campaign] Lóngzhēnghǔdòu (Enter the Dragon) by Kommiekat

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SP Campaign


(Enter the Dragon)

Part One:

Spread the Word

Player is Blufor: CIA-SAD




Insurgent groups have shown keen interest in seeking our help and assistance through underground networks and we hope to assist them with the means to increase sporadic bombings and sabotage as well as civil unrest and demonstrations.

You, as a CIA SAD member, shall distribute information on guerrilla warfare tactics, effective urban demonstrations and where to find soon to be covertly delivered supplies and weapons. We are counting on the Occupation to be unaware of anything taking place.


Required Addons:

CIA - SAD Operators [ALPHA]--by Montgomery


China - PLA Infantry (Alpha)--by majoris


Mediterranean Operations (NATOSOC + SCOJFC bundle)--by Antoine Flemming


NOTE: (Only SCO of the bundle is needed).

Hidden Identity Pack [bETA]--by Cunico



Ambient Radio Chatter in/near Vehicles

-by TPW

Radio Script (for sound or music from static radio)

-by TPW

Ultra Simple Patrol Script v1.6

-by JW Custom

Site Templates

-by wookie271


Ai/Player custom backpack loadouts

-AndersMolin at Armaholic

Part Two:

Patrol Boat

Player is Opfor: PLA-Navy




Story should smoothly continue from Part One.

You and you're crew will be patrolling the South East coast of Stratis.

You are ordered to shoot on site. Expect air, water and underwater Teams of Infiltrators.


Required Addons:

China - PLA Infantry (Alpha)--by majoris



-Flare Script

by cobra4v320

if (isServer) then {
   _flare_guy = _this select 0;
   _flare_color = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {"F_20mm_white"};
   _flare_count = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {3};
   _counter = 0;

   while {alive _flare_guy && _counter < _flare_count} do {
       _flare = _flare_color createvehicle [(getpos _flare_guy select 0) - random 150 + random 300 , (getpos _flare_guy select 1) - random 150 + random 300 , 150 + random 100];
       _flare setVelocity [0,0,-10];
       _counter = _counter + 1;

       _flare say3D "SN_Flare_Weapon_Fired";

       _flare spawn {
           sleep 0.5;
           _this say3D "SN_Flare_Fired_4";
           sleep 1;

           while { !isNull _this } do {
               _this say3D "SN_Flare_Loop";
               sleep 4;
       sleep 60 + (random 60);

this && (vehicle player) in thislist
On Act:
_null = [ap,"F_20mm_white",5] execVM "flare.sqf"

Part Three and Four to come later if this mission is well received.

Feed back is absolutely appreciated and welcomed in order to improve where necessary.


-Great community mods


-Custom music/sounds

-Cheesy voice acting (me)

NOTE: This is my first A3 mission. No big whistles and bells for the mission. Just straight forward editing.

Beta Tester wanted before final release. Please PM me if interested.

Edited by Kommiekat

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Part One now released.

Will have Part Two out later this week!

Please give feed back. :rthumb:




Part Two: Patrol Boat

Now released!

Edited by Kommiekat
New release

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62 MB the first mission.

Is it right?

The second it is just 2MB

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That sounds about right.

I got a few Music files for each mission and Sound files as well, but overall, very lite missions.

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Hey KommieKat,

this campaign sounds very interesting, yet the addons are outdated as they are for the ALPHA version of the game mostly. Would you care to update it wth up-to-date addons? The scenario sounds interesting enough!

Edited by Mathias_Eichinger

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+1 for the idead, and it would be super if it was released as a campaign addon instead of multiple SP missions (thou interlinked)

Hope to see more RWO campaigns in A3, the ones for A2 were excellent!


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Anybody, uh, want to help me on this??

I'm still stuck in A2.

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Help you with ideas or encouragement? I´m reaaaaally looking forward further development of this into a Campaign (and I just loved the bathroom scene on the first mission, hope to see more awkward moments like this on next missions...) and see some PLA or other armies to pump some fuel on imminent loose fire of this scenario! ;)


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Yeah, would fancy some cooperation. KK, what do you need?

Thanks Corporal Lib for the encouragement!

Also, thanks Mathias. I think I need a bit more time. I still enjoy playing and making missions for A2. I just can't help it.

I need a bit more time to play and study A3. That way, I can get more ideas to use (did I say....copy??) and that damn Editor.

I just don't like the TASK system it uses.

I still right up my briefings the old fashion way. And also, there is the Intro Outro stuff I have to learn all over again.

I'll get back to you on this..................Thanks!

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