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[WIP] Remington 870MCS

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Okay ladies, here we go!

This is the first release of my Remington 870MCS.

Please consider it as an early Alpha.

It comes with Pellets, Slugs, HE Ammo and a custom Ammobox.




RP_870mcs_A3 - Remington

7Rnd_12gauge_pellets - Pellet Ammo

7Rnd_12gauge_slugs - Slug Ammo

7Rnd_12gauge_HE - HE Ammo

870mcs_box - Ammobox


commander566 (on Turbosquid) - For this free model, so I could practise all of this.

Mikero - For his excellent tipps and explanations about configs and how they do work!!!!

Lord Jarhead - For his superb sounds and his help when coding sounds!

Bad Benson - For starting tutorials and all the tips he gave me.

mrflay - For his solution he gave for hint on my critical crash.

And BI for the opportunity that I can practice modding.

Todo List:

- Custom animations

- Cleaning the model

- Create Shadow LOD and reassemble the Resolution LODs

- Making UV Maps and textures

- Bugfixing and polishing

Version List

Version v0.2

- sound coding fixed

- tweaked damage of all ammo types

- REDONE: all airFriction values (needs more and more and more testing)

- ADDED: icon for HE ammo

- REDONE: All inventory icons

Version v0.1

- Alpha release

Known bugs:

- HE ammo tends to use particle effects of bigger tank shell or bomb explosion. I have no idea why.

edit: Until I fixed the main bugs, I don't want to make a key. So sorry for that.

Edited by RedPhoenix

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Congrats to your release mate. If I hear right I guess you have only one sounds defined in your config? Why no using all four sounds? Would give it a dynamic audio feel.

All the best!


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That's actually a mistake I just saw now. Thanks.

Edit: v0.2 out now, please download again.

Edited by RedPhoenix

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When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Edited by Guest
updated with version 0.2

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Hey Phoenix. I just wanted to let you know that buckshot loads will put all pellets inside of a man sized target up to 25 yards, and most pellets will still be on target out to 50 yards. I noticed in your video that the pellet spread had most pellets off target already at around 10 yards.

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Yeah, I do know this. I know how to write down the parameter, but don't understand the theory behind this values yet. But I will definitely update this in the next version.

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Yeah, I do know this. I know how to write down the parameter, but don't understand the theory behind this values yet. But I will definitely update this in the next version.

Working on the M1014 I took the values from Arma 2, Did you do something similar?

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I made them up by myself, but maybe you want to PM me how it is coded in A2? Still looking for the right values for airFriction and indirectHit.....

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	class 8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets: CA_Magazine
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "8Rnd. M1014 Pellets";
	ammo = "B_12Gauge_Pellets";
	count = 8;
	initSpeed = 396;
	picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\M_12gauge_CA.paa";
	descriptionShort = "Caliber: 12 gauge <br/>Rounds: 8 Pellets<br/>Used in: M1014";
	displayNameShort = "Pellets";


	class B_12Gauge_Pellets: BulletBase
	simulation = "shotSpread";
	hit = 6;
	indirectHit = 0;
	indirectHitRange = 0;
	cartridge = "FxCartridge_slug";
	cost = 2;
	typicalSpeed = 400;
	visibleFire = 18;
	audibleFire = 18;
	airFriction = -0.005;
	caliber = 0.5;

Check out allinone configs, makes life a helluva lot easier.

PS: The shooting sounds from video seem to have a very artifical echo to it, like it´s being fired in a corrugated sheet metal firing range :confused:

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Thanks. I'm still trying out the "fireSpreadAngle=3;" config line, but it seems that it does not work.

fireSpreadAngle=3; // Value for shotgun ammo (Arrowhead) with defined simulation=shotSpread; Number defines half of spread angle in degrees. Shot is simulated by 9 bullets which trajectory and damage is calculated for each separately (hit, indirectHit). If target is hit by complete buckshot, damage is 9x.


This is what I do have now.

class 7Rnd_12gauge_pellets: B_556x45_Ball

visibleFire = 22;
audibleFire = 22;
airFriction = -0.004;
          hit = 10;
          simulation = "shotSpread";

Edited by RedPhoenix

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If it helps, this is what I use.

class CfgAmmo
class BulletBase;
class B_12Gauge_Pellets: BulletBase 
	airfriction = -0.005;
	audiblefire = 18;
	caliber = 0.5;
	cartridge = "FxCartridge_slug";
	cost = 2;
	hit = 6;
	indirecthit = 0;
	indirecthitrange = 0;
	simulation = "shotSpread";
	typicalspeed = 400;
	visiblefire = 18;

class cfgMagazines
       class CA_Magazine;
class M1014_Buck: CA_Magazine
	ammo = "B_12Gauge_Pellets";
	count = 8;
	descriptionshort = "Caliber: 12 gauge <br/>Rounds: 8 Pellets<br/>Used in: M1014";
	displayname = "8Rnd. M1014 Pellets";
	displaynameshort = "Pellets";
	initspeed = 396;
	picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\M_12gauge_CA.paa";
	scope = 2;

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Mhyeah.... I see that there isn't any angle of the spread. Have to check that later.

Started reworking the model as you can see on the barrel, stock, RIS rails and front ironsight.



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It looks like there's a "GestureReloadM4SSAS" defined, and made by BIS, which could be used for the reload animation; would probably look better, as it seems to be meant as a reload of some shotgun.

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Well. I wasn't really pleased with the old model. It was already triangulated, so uv-mapping this was a pain in the back.

Decided to make a whole new one but this time not a Remington 870 MCS due to the lack of good photos.

It's a Benelli M3, and as it turns out, that was a great idea!


Very pleased until now.

ps: I'm going to edit the first post in this thread. Developing the 870 MCs, wasn't for the bin, I'll keep all configs at hand and use them for the Benelli.

Edited by RedPhoenix

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