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I noticed that the new playSound3D command (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playSound3D) does not have a corresponding command to stop the sound. Could a command for this possibly be added? Perhaps the playSound3D command can return a handle to the sound, that a stopSound command can operate on. Or is there another technique to cancel an already playing sound?

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This mean we can "setIdentity" without cfgIdentities in description.ext now. That's a little confusing. Neat I guess, but confusing since if you don't setName and setNamesound both then you'll get a mismatch for example.

Also, boo on "fixing" this non-issue. Having removeAllContainers leave the visual uniform was an extremely useful feature.

Um I just dropped

this setName "Josef";

into a unit's init box and they didn't take that name in-game, is there something I'm missing here? Do I also have to setIdentity and define this in description.ext? If so what's the point of setName?

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@ Giallustio ...

... have you tried: allMissionObjects "All" ?

Example for cleanup:

while{true} do { 
	if (_x isKindOf "GroundWeaponHolder") then {
		deleteVehicle _x;
		sleep 0.01;
} foreach allMissionObjects "All";



So, if you have to clean up the map from all the weapons on the ground what are you going to do?

I've to search one class only and delete all the array ("groundweaponholder").

I was thinking about starting from position [0,0] and then add 500 meters for every "square", but Altis is pretty large...

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Um I just dropped

into a unit's init box and they didn't take that name in-game, is there something I'm missing here? Do I also have to setIdentity and define this in description.ext? If so what's the point of setName?

It seems to be bugged. It changes the unit name on the "Team" screen when the maps is open, you also get the new name if you query it with "name object" but the name doesn't seem to change in the command bar.

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setDir can not be used in the init field for a unit (soldier), the unit automaticly returns to the editors compass heading. setDir works if applied from scripts after a short delay.

Also, any reason to why nearTargets returns tons of static objects instead of just threat objects like soldiers, tanks etc.? Some examples are Land_Chapel_Small_V1_F, Land_TTowerBig_1_F, Land_PowerPoleWooden_L_F etc. This is whats returned...


Can't remember it did that in A2 but it was long time ago I fiddled with scripts.


Edited by KeyCat

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sorry i didn't read the whole thread. can anyone tell me what the status is on a ragdoll command? or something to apply a force onto a unit to make it ragdoll. would be greatly appreciated for any wound/melee/knoch down script.

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@ Giallustio ...

... have you tried: allMissionObjects "All" ?

Example for cleanup:

while{true} do { 
	if (_x isKindOf "GroundWeaponHolder") then {
		deleteVehicle _x;
		sleep 0.01;
} foreach allMissionObjects "All";



Ummmm don't do that. There's a pretty important note right on the Wiki for that command by rocket:

Be VERY careful with the use of this command. It is very demanding as it must iterate through all mission created objects. Particular care should be taken exercising this often on dedicated servers.


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sorry i didn't read the whole thread. can anyone tell me what the status is on a ragdoll

Never seen anything suggesting we'd get anything like that.

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Never seen anything suggesting we'd get anything like that.

i was afraid so :( so much for the sandbox part. i need more toys! sand alone is too boring :p

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The script command waypointFormation and waypointBehaviour should return the current behavior of the group, even if it's set to UNCHANGED in editor, since I got a crash just now because I want AI grp to save their current behavior before I add a new temp WP for a certain situation...

So basically, currently those command will return the string "UNCHANGED" if that's what it is set up in editor. Expected behavior is they should return the correct string ie SAFE, AWARE, COMBAT, CARELESS for behavior and LINE, WEDGE, COLUMN, etc for formations. never UNCHANGED

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... just try it ...

I used it a lot for cleanup and my experience is, it works well.

The time needed for 1000 mission objects is ~6ms. Very fast, compared with nearObjects with large distance.



BTW: In a mission like rockets old dayz, i really would'nt recommend the use of allMissionObjects, because there are countless dirt-simulating mission objects laying around ...


Do you have a better idea?

Edited by Fred41

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Event handlers Put and Take have been extended

Any details on this? How they were extended?

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There is discussion and details about this: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7824

Speaking of Event Handlers, it would really help tremendously if HandleHeal would also trigger when healing yourself. That would make a new medical system much easier and cleaner to implement.

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Speaking of Event Handlers, it would really help tremendously if HandleHeal would also trigger when healing yourself. That would make a new medical system much easier and cleaner to implement.

and while you're at it make "HitPart" fire where the unit is local. that would be IMMENSLY useful.

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and while you're at it make "HitPart" fire where the unit is local. that would be IMMENSLY useful.

Just to clarify how hitPart works:

If I'm running a dedi, with AI local to the server and want to return which location on the PLAYERS bodies were hit, I would need to add this EH to all of the AI, (so the server can process the return from the AI shooters) and also all of the players (so they can get feedback on which other player they shot).

Is that how it works at the moment?

EDIT: After re-reading the Wiki, I'm still really confused. It's fine in SP, but I can't get my head about how it works in MP.

Edited by Das Attorney

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Just to clarify how hitPart works:

If I'm running a dedi, with AI local to the server and want to return which location on the PLAYERS bodies were hit, I would need to add this EH to all of the AI, (so the server can process the return from the AI shooters) and also all of the players (so they can get feedback on which other player they shot).

Is that how it works at the moment?

EDIT: After re-reading the Wiki, I'm still really confused. It's fine in SP, but I can't get my head about how it works in MP.

the way i understood and experienced "hitpart" and its issues can be explained well when looking at tpW's EBS (suppression based on 3d zones around units being hit). this is the scenario.

the mod adds a suppression zone (actual 3d object) around units. if that object gets hit it registers that via a "hitpart" EH that is applied to that object. the thing is that "hitpart" will fire on the shooters machine and not the one who got hit and the EH is applied to. so imagine that in the following situation. one person hosts a mission. all AI is local to that person. so now when a client shoots near AI (hitting the 3d object) the hit will be registered where that client is local. so now the information that there has been a hit has to be send over the net to where the unit that is being suppressed is local to apply the suppression effects to it.

so you apply an EH to a unit to know when it is hit. but instead of telling that unit "you were hit" you tell the shooter "you hit that guy". which is kind of bad for MP.

a simple test is making a mission with two players. apply a "hitpart" EH to both with a simple hint inside. now if you shoot your friend the EH applied to him will make you see a hint. and the other way around.

usually being hit matters to the one who gets hit. for some reason that doesn't apply here.

i would have to go into more detail why that ruins EBS for MP but i hope it makes sense without that.

EDIT: now i feel stupid for writing so much :o

Edited by Bad Benson

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hitPart triggers for the shooter, whereas it should trigger for the unit hit - in terms of mp locality

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