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disableCollisionWith & enableCollisionWith

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I'm currently trying to "load" an ammobox into an MH-9 with attachTo.

As I expected from precious Arma 2 attempts at the same issue, the helicopter takes engine damage and goes up in a ball of flames as soon as it starts moving, so I was very happy to see the disableCollisionWith command, and tried it out:

box attachTo [helo,[0,1.35,0.75]];
box disableCollisionWith helo;

However, the command doesn't seem to have any effect at all, so to confirm my suspicion, I placed down two Hunters.

And again, I presumably disabled their collision with each other:

car1 disableCollisionWith car2;

To no avail. The cars behaved just as I already expected; they collided with each other as if the command was never executed.

Am I missing something or does the command simply not work as of Alpha 0.54.103957?

Edit: And yes, I've double- and triple-checked the names.

Edited by gobbo

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