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Weapon deletion

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I need a function that immediately deletes any item, weapon or magazine that a player may set onto the ground. I don't even know where to begin! So close to conquest beta :p

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Good question.

I've got a couple of ideas but need to check something with you.

Is it specifically loose items on the ground that need to be deleted?

For example if a player puts an M16 onto a dead player or in an ammobox, then it stays in the game, but if he/she drops it on the ground, then it gets deleted?

I'm thinking of a looped script that checks for weaponHolders, clears out any weapons and mags, then deletes them.

private ["_loose_stuff_array","_unit"];
_loose_stuff_array = [];
_unit = player;
while { 2 > 1} do
_loose_stuff_array = nearestObjects [_unit, ["weaponholder"], 10];
if (count _loose_stuff_array > 0) then
		clearMagazineCargoGlobal _x;
		clearWeaponCargoGlobal _x;
		deleteVehicle _x;
	} forEach _loose_stuff_array;
sleep 2;

Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but it should be safe with backpacks, dead bodies, crates etc

NOTE: Untested! Let em know how you get on.

EDIT: Noticed you could remove the loop and just call it to check for weaponHolders around the player, however, there's no kind of eventhandler for inventory/gear change, so unless you've got some way of firing this pre-arranged, you may need to put a loop in to check for players dropping stuff. Be interested to see how this goes for you. I'm going down the shop to get some beers now so any scripting I suggest later on may be bad!

Edited by Das Attorney

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Thanks Das. I'll check this out :). Bodies will sink & get deleted almost instantly. So checking bodies isn't needed. Unless ofcourse it's not a bother to impliment. Also, now that you mention it, placing a weapon into a crate or vehicle would be another way to exploit :(.

---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:22 ----------

Or I may be going about this the wrong way. Maybe if I explain further, a better solution can be realized. In example, in the conquest dialog, you're unable to select a launcher if you possess a weapon that's in an array. Which works fine, until 2 deviants go about exploiting; Laying launchers onto the ground for one another etc.

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while {true} do
_objs = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["weaponholder", "LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship", "Tank"], 10];
_men = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["Man"], 10];
	clearWeaponCargoGlobal _x;
	clearMagazineCargoGlobal _x;
} forEach _objs;
	removeAllWeapons _x;
} forEach _men;

sleep 0.2;

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Thanks Horner! I'll check this one out too. Much appreciated guys.

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Or I may be going about this the wrong way. Maybe if I explain further, a better solution can be realized. In example, in the conquest dialog, you're unable to select a launcher if you possess a weapon that's in an array. Which works fine, until 2 deviants go about exploiting; Laying launchers onto the ground for one another etc.

Ah yes if that's the situation, I would approach it differently. Rather than deleting loose weapons and wepaons from Backpacks and crates, maybe the better thing to do is focus on the players themselves.

You could have a looped script that checks the player every 15 seconds or so (so there's not many cpu cycles involved) and inspects their weapons. If they have a primaryWeapon in a pre-defined array, it checks if they have a secondaryWeapon from another array. If the script finds it, it deletes it. Like this:

private ["_priWeap","_secWeap","_unit","_arr_priWeaps","_arr_bannedWeaps"];

_unit = player;

_arr_priWeaps = ["DMR","m107","M24","M24_des_EP1"];

_arr_bannedWeaps = ["SMAW","MAAWS"];

while {2 > 1} do
_priWeap = primaryWeapon _unit;
_secWeap = secondaryWeapon _unit;

if (_priWeap in _arr_priWeaps) then
	if (_secWeap in _arr_bannedWeaps) then
		_unit removeWeapon _secWeap;
sleep 15; // arbitrary number - see how it plays out

EDIT: Untested. Just sub in the weapons you want to be banned etc.

Edited by Das Attorney

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