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Alternative or workaround to reveal

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I'm trying to create a script that makes the AI share limited information about nearby enemies. However the problem is that no matter what value I pass to reveal it is overridden by the highest value any unit on the revealing side knows about the target. My goal is to be able to set reveal value for a group to less than 1.5 regardless of whether another groups know more. When 1.5 or more the side is known and units will just go directly into attack mode. Instead I just want to tell the group that it should "be aware that something are in that area" which is something I find lacking in vanilla.


Group A knows 3.4 about X

Group B knows 0.0 about X

I do:

GroupB reveal [X, 0.5]

0-10 seconds later, GroupB knowsAbout X, is changed to 3.4.

Knowsabout is completely shared within a group. Reveal something to a group and everybody in a group knows it. Reveal something to a group member and everybody knows it too.

I've been looking at other more feature-packed AI scripts, like UPSMON and ASR but they seem be affected by this too (maybe intentionally).

Have anyone found a way to reveal only a limited value to a group? Or perhaps another way to do what I want?

Edited by Muzzleflash

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I don't think it's possible the amount of info shared is far to much at times. Reveal should accept negative values at least so we could make them forget. But I don't think we will see that.

If you have a group on one side of an Island and one unit grouped but on the other side of the Island , if that unit is killed the whole group is instantly aware.

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If you have a group on one side of an Island and one unit grouped but on the other side of the Island , if that unit is killed the whole group is instantly aware.

True, but at least than can be worked-around by splitting groups into individual units. However, then you have manually script their coordination or do some join/unjoining all the time.

Maybe it will be possible to do what i'm looking for in Arma 3.

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