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Script Help: two functions in one script

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Ok so I have the core function(thanks to RYD and Muzzle for the insight)

LocatePos = 
_pos = _this select 0;
	_townCenter = nearestLocation [getPos  leader _x,"CityCenter"];
	if ((!isNull _townCenter)&&(side _x==west)) then {
		_pos = _townCenter;
}forEach allGroups;

_TC = _this select 0;
_blue = [];
	_locations = nearestLocations [getPos leader _x,["CityCenter"],1000];
		if(side _x==west) then {
			_blue = _blue + [_x];
	}forEach allGroups;

	_TC = [];
	_inTown = [];
	_iT_Count = 0;
		if ((!isNull _TC)&&(side _x == west)) then {
			_TC = _locations select 0;
			_iedCount = 0;
			_inTown = nearestObjects [getPos _TC,["SoldierWB"],300];
			_iT_Count = count _inTown;
			if (iT_Count <= 4) then {
				_iedCount = _iT_Count * 3;
					if (_iT_Count >= 5) then {
						_iedCount = _iT_Count * 2;
			for "_i" from 0 to _iedCount do 
				_iedpos = [getMarkerPos "TC1",250 * (sqrt (random 1)),random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
				_ied = createVehicle ["LAND_IED_V1_PMC",_iedpos, [], 0, "NONE"] ;
				_trig = ([getPosATL _ied, "AREA:", [5, 5, 0, false], "ACT:", ["WEST", "PRESENT", true],"STATE:",["this","deleteVehicle (thisTrigger getVariable ['ied',objNull]); createVehicle ['Sh_125_HE',getPosATL thisTrigger, [], 0, 'NONE']",""]] call CBA_fnc_createTrigger) select 0;
				_trig setVariable ["ied",_ied];
				_mrk = createMarker[format ["ied_%1",random 1000],_iedpos];
				_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
				_mrk setMarkerType "DOT";
			}forEach allGroups;
	}forEach allGroups;	
}forEach _blue;

while {true} do {
sleep 15;

The question is how do I call the core function to check whether _pos returns null? would it be _pos = call compile format ["%1",LocatePos select 0]; then do an if then with if (!isNull _pos)?

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It would only be possible to obtain a null value if you feed that function a null location when you call it? Is that actually going to happen? If not why check for a null there - check for a null before you call the function? _pos will only change if a valid location is returned from nearestLocation.

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It would only be possible to obtain a null value if you feed that function a null location when you call it? Is that actually going to happen? If not why check for a null there - check for a null before you call the function? _pos will only change if a valid location is returned from nearestLocation.

Yes but isn't _pos local to the core function? if so should I make it a global variable at the beginning of the script in order to access it from the two functions?

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That makes less sense than the 1st question - _pos is only present in 1 function there - LocatePos. If you call locatePos (it's global) you will get the value of _pos.

If you do this in your init.sqf for the above script file:

[] call compile preprocessFile "scriptName.sqf";

Then you can call locatePos from any other script with:

[_location] call locatePos;

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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