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How to tint unit textures? (Winter camo with scripting)

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i want to create winter camo for a winter mission without to force the player to use mods.

Is there a way to load such a camo for units? Or can i somehow "tint" the already present textures?

I already played with setObjectTexture and "hiddenSelectionsTextures" but i was not able to create any effect (probably i do something wrong).

player setObjectTexture [1, (getArray(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf player) >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures")) select 1];
//^^ and friends like these. Nothing worked so far :( 

The units i use are default USMC and Chernarus insurgents. Classes e.g.:

- GUE_Commander

- GUE_Soldier_CO

- GUE_Soldier_Medic

- USMC_Soldier_SL

- USMC_Soldier

- USMC_Soldier_Medic

- etc

Would be glad if there would be some solution that depend entirely on script and content thats already there (so no custom textures .paa files if possible please).

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

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To check you could always print out the count of your getArray command.

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Well, that sounds bad.

Is there any other way to create winter camo without using mods?

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Shame. Would be cool to have a setUnitTexture or something. We can dream though. :p

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I wondered this too. Would save a lot of file size in missions when you could just tint a texture to a certain color instead of having to create a new paa.

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Well, even if there were no "official" hidden textures, atleast one could do similar to settextureObject. Even if it was required to provide the .paas, imagine how many cool skins would get released over time.

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Some units do have hiddenselections, though. I believe the Takistani insurgents do, for example.

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Is there some sort of list i can query? Or how can i check hiddenSelections without having to do it via the editor?

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There are no hidden selections that I know of. Though you can make your own skins for vehicles. IE; Look at rubber kites WF. He's reskinned some vehicles on there, but he had to provide the .paas, as I don't think they were any hidden selection since the .paas reside in the mission folder.

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There's some misunderstanding here. hiddenselections are not "hidden" textures. They're just some selections, on some models, for which you can assign another texture using setObjectTexture.

There is quite a number of vehicles and units that do have hiddenselections.

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Ahh okay. I only thought otherwise, because rubberkite reskined some vehicles in RE, using setobjecttexture, but he used his own .paas. I didn't realize there were "official" hidden skins available.

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How do i do that? How can i know on which units i have to call that thing to swap the camo?

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