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First Aid: Simulation AND custom handleDamage

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I want the First Aid: Simulation module to still work it's magic, but I also want to have my own handleDamage event handler (for a bodyarmor script). As it is it seems the AIS is overwriting any other handleDamage things, as even when the body armor script returns 0 for damage, the guy goes down to agony after the normal 1 or 2 hits.

If it's not possible is there some other way to reduce damage a unit takes? I want these 6 to be slightly more survivable than normal.

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Sadly, buddy, you can't use two HandleDamage on the same unit, as you never know which event handler is going to be taken into account. I ran into the same issue in a (not released yet) mission, but it was an easy fix as I just removed FA:S for all units on one side.

Obviously that can't be done on your mission. We could rewrite the module's code, but that'd be overkill. I think most of the other solutions you had in mind will really be easier to implement/probably more viable too.

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