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Limiting the number of bullets per magazine added

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Is there a way of setting the amount of bullets for a magazine that is added to player? There are green bars indicating magazine status in the gear screen, when those mags are added, if they are not full, load as partially full, so I'm assuming it can be done.

//by Kempco

_isSilenced = _this select 0;
_STAN = _this select 1;
_SD = _this select 2;

private ["_mag_size","_bullets","_full_mags","_partial_mags"];

_unit	= player;
_current = currentweapon _unit;
_all_mags = [];
_mags_to_remove = [];

_SD_mags = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _SD >> "magazines");
_STAN_mags = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _STAN >> "magazines");

{_all_mags = _all_mags + [tolower _x]} foreach _SD_mags;
{_all_mags = _all_mags + [tolower _x]} foreach _STAN_mags;

for "_i" from 0 to (count (magazines _unit) - 1) do {
_mag = tolower((magazines _unit) select _i);
if (_mag in _all_mags) then {
	_array = if (_isSilenced) then {_STAN_mags}else{_SD_mags};
	_mags_to_remove = _mags_to_remove + [_mag];
	player addmagazine (_array select 0);//<=============== Magazine is added here, does not accomidate for partial mags.
	_mag_size = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "count");

	if (_mag_size == (player ammo _current)) then {//<========== (player ammo _current) gotta be somethig that does not require the mag be loaded
		_full_mags = _full_mags + 1;
		_partial_mags = _partial_mags + 1;
		_bullets = _bullets + (player ammo _current); 
		//<========================?????????????? Partial magazine, need to reduce bullets 
	Tally bullets then dived by mag capcity would work, but need a way of reducing the remainders from partial mags otherwise you start losing mags.  

	_mags_new = _full_mags + floor(_bullets/_mag_size);  
	hint format ["Full Mags: %1\nPartial Mags: %2\nBullets: %3\n\nMags to add: %4",_full_mags,_partial_mags,_bullets,_mags_new];

_mags_to_remove spawn {
	sleep 0.5; 
	{player removeMagazine _x} foreach _this;
	reload player; 

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