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Ai shooting range?

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yes... AI shooting range... did you get the idea?

Own soldiers (those who you give orders/commands) shooting range --> very very bad... why?

Enemy soldier shooting range --> better than own soldiers...

I play with visibility 2000-2500 and geometry performance 2500 and I can see enemy from far away and when I get enough close so I can shoot, my own soldiers cant see/shoot them, but the enemy can see/shoot me. WHY?

Play resistance single player map when the russian attacks with boat etc etc... You can fire the russian from the hill but you own soldiers wont fire. Even if I order them to get good positions still they dont fire.

Yes, every commands like open fire, engage etc etc etc have ordered to do but still nothing. BUT! the russian can fire me and my soldiers from down the beach... play that map so you can see and understand whats my point...

so someone explain this...

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More a general Resistance topic than a troubleshooting one smile.gif

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