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SideChat not showing

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So I have this line in the init.sqf 'player sideChat "Y U TROLL ME!!!";' and I still cannot see any messages in the side channel. I have also similar message in my fsm so it should spam the side chat but that is not the case. It's like the command wasn't even executed, but still there are no errors shown in rpt or showScriptErrors. Would really appreciate any help, I'm stuck at this for 5hours now.



Edited by guruabdul

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You can not refer to "player" in the init.sqs, since the "player" does not exist yet when this file is being executed. You might need to add this at the VERY end of the file:

player sidechat "blabla";

Note, that this chat will not be seen by other players in multiplayer, since the command is local.

When you want all players to see this scripted chat of that player, you need to put a functions module on the map and put this in your init.sqs (I suppose this text only to be a placeholder... why the heck would anybody say this in the first second he joined a game...)

_text = "Why do you troll me?";
[nil, nil, rSPAWN, [player, _text], { (_this select 0) sideChat (_this select 1) }] call RE;

There needs to be a little delay ( ~1.0 ) because the functions module needs half a second (or somewhat) to initialize (and also to initialize the player unit).

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Thanks for the reply. Well the message is such and in init because I can't get it to work (it's trolling me -.-). So I have the necassary waits for JIP players and all. I also know it's just local. I was trying a global one you suggested but it wasn't showing so now I was trying the local one with the same effect. I also had the message in the fsm running nonstop, why would that not show?

I'll be trying your code and see if that fixes the problem.

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 ----------

Ok! So sideChat for no apparent reason doesn't work. If I do a say in globalchat it works no problem! I just needed a global say announcing some messages, so that solves my problem. However I still have no idea why wouldn't sidechat work.


EDIT: How do I mark the thread as solved?

Edited by guruabdul

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confirm sideChat/groupchat/vehicleChat commands not working at IronFront44.

work only globalchat command

in A2OA w/wo latest betapatch all commands work fine.

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You can not refer to "player" in the init.sqs, since the "player" does not exist yet when this file is being executed. You might need to add this at the VERY end of the file:

player sidechat "blabla";

init.sqf, not .sqs


sleep 0.1;

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execute this script without any progress with messages in sideChat, sidechat is empty

[] spawn {

while { true } do {

sleep 5;

player sideChat "Side HelloWorld";

player globalChat "Global HelloWorld";



PS. Reproducted only in IronFront 44

Edited by Maestro

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I used to have problems getting "west HQ" chat to appear, then later I managed to get it to work using a new method, so I thought I should share it.

Instead of the annoying "CROSSROADS:" chat, change it to be "HQ:" by doing the following...

Create a stringtable.csv file in the root of your mission folder and add this to it:


Now in your script where you want HQ to sidechat to everybody on the server, use something like this...

_text = format["%1 was shot while trying to escape.",name player];
waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")};
[[west,"HQ"],nil,rSIDECHAT, _text] call RE;

Or you can try it this way, but I have seen this method fail to work in some of my scripts even when my player was carrying a radio. In some cases adding a "sleep 1;" helped.

if (isServer) then {
[west,"HQ"] sideChat format["%1 was shot while trying to escape.",name player];

The stringtable.csv would apply to both.

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