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setOvercast: Which init line should I use?

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Every soldier has his own init line.

Which soldier should I use to setOvercast?

If that soldier is killed, does the weather change to sunny? :yay:

The question is not confined to the weather. It would also apply to most scripting commands.


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Why use a soldier at all?...

Do that stuff from an init.sqf file created in your mission folder. For example....


setWind [[3,-3] select floor (random (count [3,-3])),[3,-3] select floor (random (count [3,-3])), true];
0 setFog 0.50;
0 setOvercast 0.1;

skipTime (random 24);
60 setRain random 1;

It really seems like you need to do some reading though mate.... do a search for Mr Murray's Editing Guide.

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I placed a garden chair on the map and typed the command in the init field of the garden chair.

It works just fine.

I suspect it also works with triggers so you can change the weather based upon the trigger!



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I suspect it also works with triggers so you can change the weather based upon the trigger!

yes it will work.

but as Twirly said, just use a init.sqf for such things, its cleaner, easier to edit and make changes to, and best of all.... no odd placed garden chairs you need to find in the editor map to change it;)

And the guide Twirly mentioned, you can find the Armaholic link to it in my sig, best read ever for a mission editor/ scripter.

Its a pdf so you can use a search function to find specifics or just browse through it and get alot of aha experiences.

Also, this page by Sickboy is a very good read:


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