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Question for the Dev's - Career & Procedural Missions

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So first off.. Huge fan of your games Bohemia. I am very excited about TOH like I was about ARma 2...

I am curious however. I am a huge fan of procedural content. I would like an experience ultimately similar to the psuedo "free play" mode inherent in the classic game SimCopter. I realize that TOH is a not trying to be SimCopter or any similar title don't get me wrong....

But my question is this: I saw the text about the "Challenges" and the procedural "Missions" that are generated there. Are the same kind of procedural missions inherent in the career mode? I am a huge fan of "Free play' but i rather prefer "Directed Free Play" if you will, where you are free to do as you want and the experience is open ended.

I like the idea of knowing I wont run out of objectives.. I am always OK with a kind of separation where you have "Story" and "Procedural" missions at the same time...

So at any rate, can you confirm or deny that there are any sorts of procedural missions / objectives (Such as fires, traffic issues ect) in the career mode?

This will not effect my buying decsion... but it sure would make a guy like me pretty happy :)

---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

Sorry to double post but just to add a justification of why I asked this... I read in the pre order beta about the Sling Line mission and how it is procedural generated...

My curiosity was rather that entire missions are generated all over the place during the campaign or whether you just had a select group of missions but those individual missions are randomized, but your limited to basically doing it once?

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Can't answer your main question, just a note about "double posting" (although the forum merged them automatically): at the bottom right in your posts you have an edit.gif button which let's you add whatever you need to add. ;)

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My curiosity was rather that entire missions are generated all over the place during the campaign or whether you just had a select group of missions but those individual missions are randomized, but your limited to basically doing it once?

First off, I don't know it myself for sure, but I think it will be as you posted above. Individual missions, tied together with the helipad module (so earnings, your helicopter park etc. are always available). I expect, just like the arma series, to move from one mission to the next with generated randomness within the missions.

But we'll see :) I like the idea of a persistent world with constant job offers which you can accept as a heli company. If it's not build in I'm sure a modder will make something like this (if some arma or new modders move over to TKOH of course).

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But my question is this: I saw the text about the "Challenges" and the procedural "Missions" that are generated there.

Are the same kind of procedural missions inherent in the career mode?

Progression in the 'Career' is a lot different in structure from our previous 'campaign-modes', like Operation Arrowhead, which is partly why it's not called the 'campaign'. We've tried to implement a new system with Take On, partly based on trying to cater to a range of player-proficiencies with helicopters, and partly because we weren't happy with blending gameplay with narrative in the old structure, and felt there was room for a little improvement.

Perhaps most significantly, the lynchpin of the new structure is the ‘gameplay hub’: the player’s heliport (Highland Park). Here, story missions and procedurally-generated challenges (as well as tertiary gameplay elements - such as a simplified system of helicopter upgrade/management) are accessible; each time you finish a single instance of a 'mission', you're returned here.

This means a players doesn't have to progress 1 > 2 > 3; rather, it'a more like A > h > C > h > B. The nature of this structure provides a degree of flexibility. A ‘core thread’ introduces gameplay via a simple narrative flow. Other threads may be optional, which, in turn, enables us to introduce more advanced (and prodecural) challenges for more experienced players at an earlier stage.

The 'challenges' are available outside of the 'career mode' too for those that just want to jump straight in - we're trying to avoid forcing people to wade through a story/ earlier introductory gameplay when they just want instant-access helicopter action!

I hope that's at least relatively clear. It's possible that we'll put together some devlog post of the matter more generally.



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