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Multiple sector control

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1. How can I make a trigger which will end mission, if 3 area points are under BLUEFOR or OPFOR control for 5 minutes.

I tried to synchronize that win trigger with three capture triggers, but it doesnt work.

2. How can I make "hint" different for different sides, for example, when BLU capture point, I want for blue players to hint "Hold for 5 minutes", and for red players "Capture in 5 minutes"

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1. Never really worked with Siezed By triggers before, so I can't help you here. What I do suggest though, not knowing your setup, is once a zone has been under control for 5 minutes, do something like 'zoneA = true;' in the On Act or Deac and then in your End trigger (not synced to anything) condition field put:

(zoneA = true) && (zoneB = true) && (zoneC = true)


BLUFOR Captures:

if ((side player) == west) then {hint "BLUFOR has captured a point!"};

OPFOR Captures:

if ((side player) == east) then {hint "OPFOR has captured a point!"};

Personally I prefer to use sideChat or globalChat, but hints do work.

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just a note:

change this:

(zoneA = true) && (zoneB = true) && (zoneC = true)

to this

zoneA && zoneB && zoneC

any condition will error when using something = something, you can use == but with boleans (true/false) its just a matter of

on (this is true)

!on (this is false)

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