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Increasing revive time in Norrins Revive Script

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I cant believe this hasnt been brought up but Ive found that when reviving a player, its just waaay too fast.. whats the point in dragging/loading a player up in a vehicle if it literally revives them in 3-4 seconds..

I tried to put sleep 10-20; After the playmove animations but the second

_name playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";

is executed the player is revived instantly within a couple seconds... If I put sleep 15 before it all, it just sits there for 15 seconds than runs the script with no animation... Thoughts?


 Causes the unit to execute the medic animation when the revive action is chosen

 © OCTOBER 2010 - norrin 

begin heal.sqf
_array				= _this select 3;
_name				= _array select 0;
_wounded			= _array select 1;				
_QG_animation		= NORRN_revive_array select 54;
_medpacks			= NORRN_revive_array select 80;
_reward_function 	= NORRN_revive_array select 96;

_wounded setVariable ["NORRN_unit_dragged", true, true];
if (_QG_animation == 1) then {_wounded playMoveNow "ainjppnemstpsnonwrfldnon"};
sleep 1;

if (!isplayer _name) then
_name playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";

} else {
if (_QG_animation == 1) then 
	_wounded attachTo [_name,[0,1.1,0]];
	sleep 0.02;
	_wounded setVehicleInit "this setDir 170;";
	_name playMoveNow "ainvpknlmstpsnonwnondr_medic3";
} else {
	_name playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
if (_medpacks == 1) then
_var = _name getVariable "Norrn_medpacks";
_name setVariable ["Norrn_medpacks", (_var - 1), true];	
if (_name == player) then
	_med_supplies = format ["Medpacks Remaining: %1\nBandages  Remaining: %2", _name getVariable "Norrn_medpacks", _name getVariable "Norrn_bandages"];
	hint _med_supplies;
sleep 9;
if (_reward_function == 1) then
_var = _name getVariable "NORRN_bonus_life";
_name setVariable ["NORRN_bonus_life", _var + 1, false];
if (_QG_animation == 1 && isplayer _name) then
sleep 2;
_name playMoveNow "ainvpknlmstpsnonwnondr_medic0";
sleep 9;
_name playMoveNow "ainvpknlmstpslaywrfldnon_1";
detach _wounded;
_name SetVariable ["Norrn_heyImBusy", false, true];
if (true) exitWith {};


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