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Arma2 slows to a grind and dosent load close range objects. (1.59)

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Basically some times the game slows to a slide show and the graphics on stuff become edgy and stuff similar to what it is at long range, square wheels etc, and it dosent come back to normal.

It has only started happening from time to time after patch 1.59.

A mid game fix that seem to work is to go into options and swap video card ram usage from normal to very high and then back again or vice versa. Basically so you put in a setting so high or low that the game needs to re-receive the graphics. After that its back to normal for a while until it happens again.

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Sounds horrible. Peronally i got mine set to 'High' and leave it there. 'Normal' gives me errors.

What is your system and what are your other ArmA settings?

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