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Task Status won't change upon completion

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Need some help with my code. Basically, when a BLUFOR enters a trigger area, an objective is completed and a hostage is added to the player's group. The player also gains access to a helo extraction command thanks to Norrin's script. However, even though the hints pop up saying objective completed, the task status doesn't change. Here's what I've got:


obj1 = player createSimpleTask ["Find hostage"];
obj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Fing where the hostage is being held", "Find hostage", ""];
obj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "hostage");
player setCurrentTask obj1;

Trigger On Act.

setcaptive false; [hostage] join rescuegrp; "obj1" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; publicVariable "Hostage"; taskhint ["Task Completed!\nHostage rescued!", [0, 1, 0, 1], "taskDone"]; player setVariable ["NORRN_taxiHeli", helicopter, true]; obj2 = player createSimpleTask ["Extract hostage"];  obj2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Call in an extraction helicopter and get the hostage to safety", "Extract hostage", ""];  player setCurrentTask obj2;

I'd appreciate some help.

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maybe you need to add this when you create your task :

obj2 setTaskState "Created";


obj2 setTaskState "Assigned";

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I get an undefined variable in the expression error when I added that. And isn't it "Created" by default?

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"tskobj1" is an undefined variable. You need to use the variable that you actually assigned to the task, which is "obj1" in this case.

Also, the objStatus command is obsolete and does nothing. It will have no effect on the status of ArmA 2 tasks.

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as St_Dux and Ios already said, you need to assign the task a state first, and you need to use createsimpletask and settaskstate, not objstatus, those commands no longer work in arma 2

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I've got it working, thank you. Multiple tutorials I read/watched used the objStatus command, so I was unaware it was no longer in use. The reason I was getting an undefined variable error (besides calling it the wrong thing) was that I put it in my code before I defined it, so essentially I was trying to set the status to assign before it the task was even created. Silly me.

Thanks for the help.

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