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How to play this game?

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Please refrain from posting things like the two above. This is a thread for me trying to improve my skills.

One thing I've always had trouble with and still am terrible at is finding enemies with iron-sighted and low-magnification weapons. I do fine with higher-power optics like ACOGs, but with reflex, holo, and iron sights I'm virtually useless. Any advice on finding targets with these sorts of optics?

Practice. I tend to do better with holo/aimpoint type sights than I do with other optics. Though admittedly it is also a quite terrain dependant. On Takistan (and Zargabad) an ACOG type optic is rather convenient, both to id targets and long range shooting.

Having a non-magnifying optic or ironsights also gives an incentive to move in closer for a more certain kill. Not to mention superior peripheral vision-- which can mean the difference between life and death. Both of these contribute to taking a more aggressive posture which is often beneficial once the bullets start flying.

Particularly in PvP mastering firefights at 0-300m is the difference between an expert and someone who just camps at hills hoping to score easy kills. A harsh opinion, but I've flanked and destroyed countless would-be snipers who operate with the situational awareness of a dead hedgehog. Or been engaged at extreme ranges to little effect. Don't get me wrong. Effective overwatch or heaven forbid an actual sniper with the patience to stalk(and communicate) can be devastating, but unless you can win when the fighting gets close and dirty-- your leaving in a box.

In the end it doesn't really come down to the weapon. Its all about the operator. Stealth, focused aggression, observation and a sprinking of luck will see you through more hariy situations than all the worlds optics. Use whatever you feel comfortable with. It has been my experience that a well organized team will do better than a group of highly skilled, yet unstructured soldiers.


*nb. this is neither a post condoning or suggesting 'headless' rushing toward CQB nor is it one which seeks to devalue the efforts of my fellow players.

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I was in a helicopter the other day, and the pilot had found some way to stream music through the vehicle comms channel. Is there some way to do this that's easy to turn on and off? It would certainly make chopper rides a lot less boring for the passengers. I was thinking about looping a song through Windows Media Player, but the important thing is to be able to turn it on and off fast so I can hear the in game comms. TS3 will automatically lower the volume from other programs when someone is talking so that's not an issue. It's the in game stuff I'm worried about. And I don't know how to stream music through the comms channel anyways.

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