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Set flyInHeight & Waypoints

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I've done a search and seem to have found what i'm looking for but since i'm at work and can't test it, I would like to get some input.

I've done a helo route that cycles. There is a CH47 at Rasman Airfield that will let players get in and then run them back to the southern airfield. Over the southern airfield, it forces a paradrop. This, in itself, wasn't hard (thanks to the editing FAQ thread). Once they drop the helo flies back to Rasman, lands, and waits for more players to show up. It will do this over and over.

The problem is that the CH47 drops you at the absolute minimum distance for your chute to open. My question is: Can you use the flyInHeight in the waypoint? (see below)

Waypoint 5


helo4 flyInHeight 150;

will that work?

I've never used flyInHeight except on c130's (in the init) that start the mission already flying. Never used it in a waypoint.

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code is code so anything that can run in an init line can run in a script and a trigger onact or waypoint etc. This goes for commands and most syntax.

Obviously there are things that can be done in a script that arent done exactly the same way in waypoints but in general its all code the game can use from a variety of inputs (like the WP onact field)

So yeah you can put flyinheight command to the choppers name and test it out. You may want try:

choppername flyinheight 150;choppername domove getpos chopper

choppername is the name given in the name field in the editor.

since I find you need to give the chopper somewhere to go (in this place the exact spot its in is used because it seems to work) just to make it use the new flyinheight setting but you can test it out.

Also you may want to make a middle flyinheight waypoint between the start and ending positions for the heli just because the vehicle will raise to the desired altitude on the way to the next waypoint and it SHOULD retain the setting for all the rest of the WP's unless you enter in a new height setting.

Also you should test the mission with extra AI on the map just to stress test it as sometimes the choppers get stuck in mid air :(

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Thanks chief. It seemed like it should, i've just never done it before.

And with a 180 page catalog and a full website revamp to do here at work (due in 3 weeks), i'm a little bored and my mind wandered to this. :cool:

I didn't think about raising the height a little as it goes to the trigger that forces the paradrop. That will probably help out tremendously and give a more natural feel of flying.

(and for all of you work sticklers, the catalog is essentially done. It's just out for proofing so I am sitting on my thumbs waiting for the proofers to finish.)

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