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    • this is CSAT for Tanoa! this is made with stuff inside the vanilla game ( a part the camoface, for strange reason BI has excluded  asian characters) I had wanted something closer to the Indonesian kopassus (not to mention the Berets that don't fit for asian heads there is a texture glicth easily  solvable )

    • _newUnits is just allUnits - _checkedUnits ... but _checkedUnits is also allUnits ...  further more, your variable _units seems to be useless.   If I'm right you want to treat edited units and the spawned ones. An event handler is usually better than a loop. Here, the easy way is to treat in two parts, in init.sqf:   { _x spawn ...} forEach allUnits; // or add a filter: ... forEach (allUnits select {!isplayer _x}) (alive _x is useless with allUnits) addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", { params ["_entity"]; if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then { do something on _entity}; }];  
    • Hi   I use customized keys, the cursor keys to move and Sup and Pg Down instead of "q" & "e" for example. For this reason, I would also like to customize the keys that the menu has, they are apparently not customizable.   Does anyone know how to do that? 
    • Strange, I have just tested it on my dedicated with no issues. Are you seeing any errors in the server or clients RPT? Is it maybe a copy and paste issue from the forum inserting hidden characters?
    • We already discussed about that in an other thread. I mentioned this code with MEH "entityRespawned" when I thought you tried to REspawn some playable units. After discussion, if I'm right, you are trying to REspawn spawned AI units. This MEH doesn't work for simple AI (spawned or edited) because they are not playable so not eligible for the respawn system.   Usually, moders and scripters use a code for re-creating an AI replacing the dead one, with more or less traits and behaviors (face, waypoints if single unit in group, loadout,...), with options like position (at start, at death...). You can also find some codes/modules for triggering a new AI unit/AI wave with same path(s), under conditions or timers. It's something near from your goal. The fact is  your demand for same face and speaker is not usual, and probably need specific lines about that, on existing codes. I understand and respect your choice for Jebus system. Tell me if you are interested in MGI modules.