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co20 Skirmish Devils

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co20 Skirmish Devils

My newest coop-mission for arma2oa. mission is oa-only ready...

Missionsinhalt / Beschreibung:

Welcome soldiers!

In last time we have a big problem cause to little supply-trucks reach our Base at the Airfield. Many of them become troubble with Takistanis on the way trouth the desert.

As if we have not enough problems the Takistani Army planning to launch a SCUD-rocket on our Airfield call our intel.

It is vital, for us to avoid these launch, otherwise we will lose this terretory complete.

We are not very good equiped and didnt become any support of our Headquarter. But we have a chance!

We can look out for our disappear equipment and arrange an attack of the enemys airbase to destroy the SCUD-launcher. But we can do this only if we be stealth and dont waste our few equipment.

Destroy the enemys aa-radars and we can attack their base base and support our troups with the A-10 Thunderbolds.

Fly deeper than 20m in enemys radarrange for a silent attack. If we to be gripped by enemys radar they will call airsupport and we become more harder to assign your task!

Good luck.

Technical Details:

- OA-only ready

- only for dedicated servers

- working JIP

- ACRE compatibel

- Norrin revive 0.49b

- R3F logistic script

- some x_scripts and x_dialogs

____________________>DOWNLOAD Skirmish Devils v1.01oa<________________

p.s.: i like feedback! ;)

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Our server crashed all the time when we put this one on?

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whish mods run on this server? map checks for mods automatical - works fine on other servers i observed. serverlog? .rpt?

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Hey [TcB]-Psycho-,

About to release this on armaholic, one problem, what do you mean by disappear equipment? UAV perhaps or maybe Radar?

We can look out for our disappear equipment and arrange an attack of the enemys airbase to destroy the SCUD-launcher. But we can do this only if we be stealth and dont waste our few equipment.


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it means the equipment and arround the base and in the northern half of the map. you find more informations in the mission briefing especialy in the notes.


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At first I couldnt understand it, but Nightrain deciphered it to be about the Missing support trucks you had lost, did you use Google translate by anychance?

You will also notice on the homepage i have translated the whole quote bar the part i have wrote here about for better reading.



mfg.. hope thats not My Fucking God!

---------- Post added at 19:23 ---------- Previous post was at 19:21 ----------

You can find the news here.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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ah, now i understand you!

the disappear / lost equipment means the supply trucks and for example night assault equipment near the c130 wreck.

thank you for translating the briefing. i will use this in the upcoming version. and no, i didn't use google-translator - its only my bad english. :rolleyes:

mfg - Mit freundlichen Grüßen

lol (translate to "kind regards")

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on a side note,Notes/Notizen are not there when disconnecting and reconnecting - leaving you clueless on mission details

Also,i had 3 (!!) Nvidia driver crashes on the first hour playing the mission without no combat around me (waited @ base) - guess you cant fix that but thougt i still mention it

Aaaaaaaand i highly dislike the usage of the "damage indicator" (w/e its called) that tells you which vehicle needs repair/refuel ... similar to the thing the EVO Hohei mission uses - i dont want to read details about vehicles status´s on my map

So far,interesting mission

*thumbs up*

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on a side note,Notes/Notizen are not there when disconnecting and reconnecting - leaving you clueless on mission details

thank you for feedback - will be fixed in upcoming version

Also,i had 3 (!!) Nvidia driver crashes on the first hour playing the mission without no combat around me (waited @ base) - guess you cant fix that but thougt i still mention it

thats surely not a problem of the mission! :o

Aaaaaaaand i highly dislike the usage of the "damage indicator" (w/e its called) that tells you which vehicle needs repair/refuel ... similar to the thing the EVO Hohei mission uses - i dont want to read details about vehicles status´s on my map

i dont know this feature on my own map?! only vehicles are marked if you drive them outside the base. the marker will help you to find your vehicle back and most the other players like those features. ;-)

kind regards!

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Me and a couple of others on the Havoc Company server just finished this mission and we all really enjoyed it. Its a refreshing change from go here and clear the town. The Logistics side of it is enjoyable too.

The only problem we encountered was we couldn't destroy the SCUD. It just kept moving back into position despite being hit by several GAU shells, Hydras, and a close hit from a GBU-12. It seemed invulnerable.

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MFG, a friend said it might be what i said above, same to you :)

I will fix the missing part of the quote for you aswell,


Ok news/download page has been updated see here.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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hi hellfire,

the one and only way to destroy the scud is with satchels.;) i think its my mistake, cause i didn't write this down somewhere in the briefing. in german-boards i was asked the same question ans i will rework this part or build more chances to destroy the scud.

kind regards

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new version:

Download 1.03oa


- Supply Trucks disappear after any time (fixed)

- Ammo Trucks cant reload Strykers (fixed)

- new mission-briefing translation

- some minor changes

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Hello and thanks for this great mission.

i wanted to say that the supply truck still disapear in the new version.

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in upcoming version artillery will not longer be able to destroy the radar-towers. another ideas for a better gameplay or new features are welcome. next version are the final version!

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ooooookkkkkk,its late and i should be asleep since 1h but i kept on playing your creation of a absolutly challening setup :cool:

I like the different side task to accomplish in order to get my full asetts on for the airfield attack,still ...

- the AI is way to unaware on the Trucks missions and way to low on numbers imo

- a bit of a unclear briefing regarding the flying part - 20 feet does sound challenging but once you realize you can fly over the radar height on the other side of the mountain it takes away alot of the imersion you had there before

- the whole map looks to empty (ja ja CivLife is bugged),put some more random patrols along the areas so driving with your truck isnt that safe all thet times

- the truck issue seems to only effect the repair trucks,the fuel trucks always remain on base for me - but i couldnt repair/service my car/truck/Stryker anymore once they disappeared *cough* vehicle service point? *cough*

All that i got on my mind since i played v101 and now v103,great stuff - just needs a bit more cosmetic fine tuning

*thumbs up*

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- the AI is way to unaware on the Trucks missions and way to low on numbers imo

the number of ai is randomized and yes, there unaware. ;-)

a bit of a unclear briefing regarding the flying part - 20 feet does sound challenging but once you realize you can fly over the radar height on the other side of the mountain it takes away alot of the imersion you had there before

yes, 20 metres above the ground! not above the radar. "Fly below 20m in the enemy's radar-range"... and you cant claim from you to flyer into a mountain to be under the 20m. ;-)

the whole map looks to empty (ja ja CivLife is bugged),put some more random patrols along the areas so driving with your truck isnt that safe all thet times

ok, i will look for what i can do.

the truck issue seems to only effect the repair trucks,the fuel trucks always remain on base for me - but i couldnt repair/service my car/truck/Stryker anymore once they disappeared *cough* vehicle service point? *cough*

i cant understand / translate this? what you means?

thank you for feedback!

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yes' date=' 20 [b']metres[/b] above the ground! not above the radar. "Fly below 20m in the enemy's radar-range"... and you cant claim from you to flyer into a mountain to be under the 20m. ;-)

meter/feet w/e the details are not important on that,i expected at least 50% of Takistan in radar range,that keeps the TopGuns a bit back and focus the infantry aspect a bit more

Anyway,a wider radar range would be appreciated (imo)

Does that make sense?

On the other side,how about locking the A10s untill radars are down?

Prevents some hot head of taking one just to get some kicks

-Psycho-;1782075']i cant understand / translate this? what you means?

I m writing it in german,so its easier understandable to you what im talking about:

Das "Verschwinden" der Reperatur trucks nachdem der Task erfüllt wurde (bring die Supply trucks zur Basis) ist ziemlich blöd wenn man zB die Stryker nicht am Anfang repariert hat,reparieren will und alle Reperatur trucks sind weg - da sollte nach meiner Meinung ein "Vehicle service point" (bekannt aus Domination,quasi der Counterpart zu dem Supply Point auf dem Airfield,das die Jets abfertigt) Abhilfe schaffen ...

Ich meine,generell ist es ja dein Task die Basis wiederherzustellen,so das sobald alle Trucks da sind ein reparieren/nachtanken/wiederbewaffnen OHNE Trucks möglich ist

So wie´s im Moment ist,muss ich um zu Reparieren wieder zum Spawn der Reperatur Trucks zurueck und dann erst los

Ein generelles Abfertigen aller Fahrzeuge/Flugzeuge,u.ä. sollte bei erfülltem Task innerhalb des base Perimeters automatisch stattfinden

Und es betrifft so wie s aussieht nur die Reperatur + Ammo Trucks,die Fuel trucks stehen schön ewig da wo ich sie geparkt hatte

Does that make sense too?

And pls dont make me translate it in english anyone,mmmmkay :D

Edited by TheScar

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Anyway,a wider radar range would be appreciated (imo)

Does that make sense?

yes, did it. i will make a biger range (from 800 to 1200 ca)

ein "Vehicle service point"

<-- this was my first idea before the first release.but i find the mobile supplys more interesting for the mission design... thats the reason while its done so. the "backjumping" trucks are a bug (and i think i have fixed it last version?!). i will look again why the trucks are dissapear. if the supplys still by their place i think its ok.


(mfg =not= my fucking god!):D

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Download Skirmish Devils v1.04oa (final)


- Supply trucks dissapear (fixed)

- lower number of avalible m119

- Radartowers and SCUD only by satchels destroyable (no longer by artillery-fire)

- a little bit more time to destroy the scud (timer + 2minutes)

- now undestroyable A10-hangars

- some enemy patrols randomly all over the map

- Error in ACRE-initialisation (fixed)


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on a side note,even when i set the Revive counter to 20 lifes/revives and get disconnected (by my already beloved Nvidia driver crashing yadda yadda) - once i reconnect i get the message i only have 6/6 lifes left

kinda minor error but still sucky when u just started the mission,havnt checked if JIPplayers get the same issues

nice raising of enemy number on first tasks,they seem to be a little more aware now in combat,but i highly doubt it ...

As example,i fired 4 HE´s on a unaware enemy squad,they didnt reacted on explosions farely close to them at all,untill i started fired regulary on em

Anyway,exploring it more nao :eek:

*thumbs up*

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