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TitleText appear only to certain players?

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I'm working on a multiplayer mission where there are two operations being completed simultaneously on opposite sides of the map (Everyone is on blufor). At the beginning I have the sideRadio Command used to communicate between the groups working on separate missions, this works fine and the message is broadcasted to all players. However, after this I want messages to be broadcasted to only certain players. For example, I want the TitleText command to appear to only players doing mission A, while players doing mission B will get something different said to them using TitleText.

I know I could just use the DirectSay command for this when players are close to each other, but I'd rather the format of TitleText. How can this be achieved?

One more thing, how can one get sideChat to be broadcasted to all players? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sideChat

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Use publicVariable to broadcast the message, and add a addPublicVariableEventHandler to the clients that reacts to a change. For much communications, long strings, many players, you might want to broadcast only an index value (less net traffic), and have each client look up what it is supposed to say when index is received.

As for who gets what message, just check players position distance to A or B position. Are you trying to make players "say" something to each other, or is it supposed to be a message coming from HQ? You might want to check out the kbTell system, but it can be a bit on the complex side. Not recommended for those new to scripting.

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Thanks for the reply. I'll look into adding a publicVariable. As for who gets what message, I'm not really trying to make players say something to each other, it's just random text I want to appear in the middle of the screen which doesn't have to originate from anyone in particular, which is why I chose TitleText. How would I get it to check players position?

And yes I am generally new to scripting, just getting to grips with this stuff. Thanks again.

Edited by bezzzy

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You dont need the position of the players to show a titleText effect.

The following will only run on players machines:

if (!isDedicated) then
  titleText ["My text", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];

But, lets say you have two groups and want to show a different message to each of them:

if (!isDedicated) then
  if (group player == _myGroup1) then
     titleText ["My text for group 1", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
     titleText ["My text for group 2", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];

Using distance to an objective or something:

if (!isDedicated) then
  if ((player distance (getMarkerPos "mrk_obj1")) <= 250) then
     titleText ["You are near obj 1", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
     titleText ["Get you ass to obj 1", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];


Edited by neokika

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Hey thanks for the reply neokika. Regarding the second bit of coding you got there, does the text that show for groups depend on what group the player is in?

I have a sniper team and an infantry team who I want to always be shown their own separate unique text regardless of what group the player is in. For example, I always want the sniper team to see the text "Scout the area", while the infantry team see "Take the town", regardless of what team the player wants to play in.

Thanks again for that code, I'll try it tomorrow when I get the chance.

Edited by bezzzy

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I have a sniper team and an infantry team who I want to always be shown their own separate unique text regardless of what group the player is in. For example, I always want the sniper team to see the text "Scout the area", while the infantry team see "Take the town", regardless of what team the player wants to play in.


So to do that you can use one of the above examples:

First you name the groups, this can be easily done on the units init line.

[color="Red"]MY_sniperTeam[/color] = group [color="Blue"]this[/color];

And then, show the text to the units in the group you want.

if (!isDedicated) then   //Does not need to run on dedicated machines since it has no player
  if (group player == [color="Red"]MY_sniperTeam[/color]) then   //Is the player in the sniper team?
     titleText ["Scout the area.", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];  //Player is in sniper team
     titleText ["Take the town.", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];  //Player is in infantry team

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Hey thanks for that. I gave it ago, but I think I'm doing something wrong. I put the Code in an SQS script

if (!isDedicated) then   //Does not need to run on dedicated machines since it has no player
  if (group player == snipers) then   //Is the player in the sniper team?
     titleText ["Scout the area.", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];  //Player is in sniper team
     titleText ["Take the town.", "PLAIN DOWN", 1];  //Player is in infantry team

Called the sniper group snipers, and the infantry group gunners. Then used a trigger to exec the script. But no matter what team I join, I always get the bottom most TitleText, which is "Take the Town". I fiddled around with it a bit, and it seems that both TitleText's are being executed, but since "Take the town" is at the bottom, its the one I see. I must be missing something but I can't work it out.

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I put the Code in an SQS script

to exec the script

The code is written in SQF, which should be executed with execvm instead of exec.

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Ahh I see thank you very much, I'm not to good with coding. It seems to work fine, I'll test it in multiplayer soon.

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