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I have looked and do not think a script to rearming and fix helicopters and armor, does anyone have it?

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From Xeno:

Trigger with -


this and ((getpos (thislist select 0)) select 2 < 1)


_xhandle= [(thislist select 0)] execVM "scripts\x_reload.sqf";


// by Xeno
private ["_config","_count","_i","_magazines","_object","_type","_type_name"];

_object = _this select 0;

_type = typeof _object;

if (_object isKindOf "ParachuteBase") exitWith {};

if (isNil "x_reload_time_factor") then {x_reload_time_factor = 1;};

//if (!local _object) exitWith {};

if (!alive _object) exitWith {};
_object setFuel 0;
_object setVehicleAmmo 1;	// Reload turrets / drivers magazine

_type_name = typeOf _object;

_object vehicleChat format ["Servicing %1... Please stand by...", _type];

_magazines = getArray(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "magazines");

if (count _magazines > 0) then {
_removed = [];
	if (!(_x in _removed)) then {
		_object removeMagazines _x;
		_removed set [count _removed, _x];
} forEach _magazines;
	_object vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x];
	sleep x_reload_time_factor;
	if (!alive _object) exitWith {};
	_object addMagazine _x;
} forEach _magazines;

_count = count (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets");

if (_count > 0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (_count - 1) do {
	scopeName "xx_reload2_xx";
	_config = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets") select _i;
	_magazines = getArray(_config >> "magazines");
	_removed = [];
		if (!(_x in _removed)) then {
			_object removeMagazines _x;
			_removed set [count _removed, _x];
	} forEach _magazines;
		_object vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x];
		sleep x_reload_time_factor;
		if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"};
		_object addMagazine _x;
		sleep x_reload_time_factor;
		if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"};
	} forEach _magazines;
	// check if the main turret has other turrets
	_count_other = count (_config >> "Turrets");
	// this code doesn't work, it's not possible to load turrets that are part of another turret :(
	// nevertheless, I leave it here
	if (_count_other > 0) then {
		for "_i" from 0 to (_count_other - 1) do {
			_config2 = (_config >> "Turrets") select _i;
			_magazines = getArray(_config2 >> "magazines");
			_removed = [];
				if (!(_x in _removed)) then {
					_object removeMagazines _x;
					_removed set [count _removed, _x];
			} forEach _magazines;
				_object vehicleChat format ["Reloading %1", _x]; 
				sleep x_reload_time_factor;
				if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"};
				_object addMagazine _x;
				sleep x_reload_time_factor;
				if (!alive _object) then {breakOut "xx_reload2_xx"};
			} forEach _magazines;
_object setVehicleAmmo 1;	// Reload turrets / drivers magazine

sleep x_reload_time_factor;
if (!alive _object) exitWith {};
_object vehicleChat "Repairing...";
_object setDamage 0;
sleep x_reload_time_factor;
if (!alive _object) exitWith {};
_object vehicleChat "Refueling...";
while {fuel _object < 0.99} do {
//_object setFuel ((fuel _vehicle + 0.1) min 1);
_object setFuel 1;
sleep 0.01;
sleep x_reload_time_factor;
if (!alive _object) exitWith {};
_object vehicleChat format ["%1 is ready...", _type_name];

if (true) exitWith {};

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