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Ballistic Calculator

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Ballistic Calculator




  • No more need to have precalculated ballistic tables.
  • Does not produce any manipulation with shell. It flying as is.
  • BalCa automatically calculates needed azimuth and elevation to hit place selected on map.
  • OA compatible.
  • ACE compatible.

Weapons with enabled ballistic calculator:

  • Automatic grenade launchers (static and mounted): AGS30, AGS17(BTR90), Mk19.
  • Mortars: M252, 2B14.
  • Cannons: D30,M119,2A70(BMP3).

To enable it for 3rd party weapons add "ballistic_calculator = 1;" to weaponconfig.


class CfgWeapons {
class CannonCore;
class M119 : CannonCore {
	ballistic_calculator = 1;

If vehicle should have built-in ballistic calculator, add "ballistic_calculator = 1;" to vehicleconfig;


class CfgVehicles {
class Tracked_APC;
class AAV : Tracked_APC {
	ballistic_calculator = 1;


  • Get in vehicle.
  • Select weapon with enabled ballistic calculator (if needed).
  • Select "Use Ballistic Calculator" in action menu.
  • Open map and click on the target place.
  • Point the gun at the target using azimuth and elevation indicators on BalCa display.
  • Fire!!!


Version 1.3:

  • Smoke, illum, laser-guided shell works as intended. Now it is not just sabots.


BalCa reloader.

It is tool to customize ammo loadouts on vehicles. Generally it was designed to give a second life to commonly unused advanced arty shells, but it can much more :) For example it can load Su-34 with only FAB-250. Or 10 R73. Or 10 Kh29. Or various combination of them.

Usage - get close to warfare ammo truck or warfare supply point and select in action menu "Change loadout".

In OA version is possible to change loadouts in each turret separately.

Also in this release included two demo missions.

Missions are based on KRONzky's targetrange.

Version 1.2:

  • Azimuth and elevation markers now calibrated. Extreme position of them means deflection 200 meters.


    Deflection 200 meters.

  • Horizontal and vertical axes now have marking, so possible to shoot, for example, 50 meter righter designated target location.


    Deflection 50 meters

    Be aware that those adjustment do not assumes altitude changes of terrain. To minimize deviation, caused by it, use high solution.

  • Calculations optimized.
  • BalCa now is item. To add it to inventory write in unit init
    this addWeapon "ItemBalCa";

  • To use ballistic calculator you should be inside vehicle (cannon, mortar, grenade launcher) and have BalCa in inventory.
    Also some vehicles (AAV,BMP3,BTR90) have built-in ballistic calculator, so no need to have BalCa in inventory.

Version 1.1:

  • Multilanguage support.
  • Now BalCa provides fire solution in entire range of elevation angles => we have high solution for cannons, mortars can shoot for their maximum range.
  • UI fixes.







Edited by conKORD

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Overwhelmed by the current flood of high quality fan content! O.o

This will definitely come in handy - thank you, conKORD!

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looks very interesting... has potential


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Version 1.1 released


  • Multilanguage support.
  • Now BalCa provides fire solution in entire range of elevation angles => we have high solution for cannons, mortars can shoot for their maximum range.
  • UI fixes.



Currently Balca consist only two languages. I need to know how to translate strings

"Use Ballistic Calculator"

"Disable BalCa" (or "Disable Ballistic Calculator")

to German, Spanish, Czech, Italian, Polish, French, Hungarian languages.

And why BalCa doesn't provide support for Grad and MLRS.

1) Grad's and MLRS's rockets disappears in 3-th seconds. I don't know reasons of it, but anyway it easily fixable in ammoCfg.

2) More important - rocket speed after using thruster is not equal (_initSpeed+(_thrustTime*_thrust)) :confused: . In ArmA speed of rocket ~20% lesser than in formula. I need to know reasons of it or to get right formula for speed. It would be perfect if BIS employees will answer to me.

I will be grateful for any help :)

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And why BalCa doesn't provide support for Grad and MLRS.

1) Grad's and MLRS's rockets disappears in 3-th seconds. I don't know reasons of it, but anyway it easily fixable in ammoCfg.

2) More important - rocket speed after using thruster is not equal (_initSpeed+(_thrustTime*_thrust)) :confused: . In ArmA speed of rocket ~20% lesser than in formula. I need to know reasons of it or to get right formula for speed. It would be perfect if BIS employees will answer to me.

I will be grateful for any help :)

1) It's done because afterwards the BI Arty module spawns shells representing the missiles going ballistic (no thrust). Shell class is used because it allows to use the same method (pre-calculated ballisic tables), as used for the rest of arty in the module.

2) In this thread we tried to come up with something, maybe it'll help.

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Thanks, at least not only I have this problem :(

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Some news. Unit of measure on BalCa display changed from degrees to mils.

2*Pi rad = 6400 mils.

Now correctly works smoke, illum, laser-guided shells.

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BalCa reloader - tool to customize ammo loadouts on vehicles.


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Sadly I'm now getting an issue were balcal sometimes wont show up like i haven't loaded up the mod.

Is this because it now has to be added into the mission for it to be used?

Edited by Bigpickle

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Yes, likely you should add "ItemBalCa" to inventory.

To add it to inventory write in unit init

this addWeapon "ItemBalCa";

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Version 1.3 released.


  • Smoke, illum, laser-guided shell works as intended. Now it is not just sabots.


BalCa reloader.

It is tool to customize ammo loadouts on vehicles. Generally it was designed to give a second life to commonly unused advanced arty shells, but it can much more :) For example it can load Su-34 with only FAB-250. Or 10 R73. Or 10 Kh29. Or various combination of them.

Usage - get close to warfare ammo truck or warfare supply point and select in action menu "Change loadout".

In OA version is possible to change loadouts in each turret separately.

Also in this release included two demo missions.

Missions are based on KRONzky's targetrange.



Edited by conKORD

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Are here any wishes, suggestions?

All comments are welcome.

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Are here any wishes, suggestions?

All comments are welcome.

Well I can tell you now that half the guys on the GoN server are in love with your mod.:)

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I would love for this to have a client side version as again like in the first release, as some servers wont add it to the mission.

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Another thing to be noted, it seems that OA versions of weapons, supported originally in A2, are not able to use the calculator.

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