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Since OA came around my pack didn't work anymore. Gladly most stuff was done by kju already, so no update was needed from me. The other stuff should now be working again.

Now updated to v.1.12 which finally fixes the shuddering FOV change! Thanks to Alexx78!

AT_GUI_OA v1.21 includes:

  • at_gui_OA_cursor - Removes weapon cursors even if the server has them enabled

  • at_gui_OA_fov_vehicle - Increases the FOV in vehicles a bit


  • at_gui_OA_fov_aim_ANZINS - Also changes the FOV for the backup sights from ANZINS_Weapons. Must have addon: Use it!
  • at_gui_OA_fov_aim_rhm14 - Also changes the FOV for the ACOG backup sights from Robert hammers M14 pack.
  • at_gui_OA_fov_aim_ace - Changes the FOV for ACE v1.10 stable.
  • at_gui_OA_fov_aim_acex - Changes the FOV for new weapons in the ACE X pack (v1.10 stable).
  • at_gui_OA_fov_aim_acex_1.10.332 - Changes the FOV for new weapons in the ACE X pack (v1.10 update 2).
  • at_gui_OA_fov_aim_uns - Changes the FOV for the weapons from Unsung mod.
  • old versions of all three fov_aim addons, for anyone that wants to zoom-out (but keep the "shuddering" FOV change bug

There also is a small extra in the pack now:

AT NoCoffee2


It allows you to remove the used coffee filter that sometimes gets stuck on your camera lense. Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X and every color filter that was active is gone. Needs CBA!

Example before and afterwards:

coffeehn6c.jpg nocoffeetnbs.jpg

Since first release it worked without errors for me through many MP missions, the PMC campaign in coop and some SP missions, so I consider it fine.

I had help with the script from some guy named Neo Apocalypse or something, who will if asked how it works probably babble on about something he calls "handles" that no one understands anyway :j:

But he made it work, so credits to him :P

Required Addons:

Only Operation Arrowhead, but:

You should be using PROPER addons in addition to this. They can increase compass size, remove the hand cursor, move actions over the action menu, remove peripheral blobs and many things more.

Also you obviously need ANZINS_Weapons when using the optional files, RH_M14 pack, ACE/ACEX or Unsung mod.

AT_NoCoffee2 needs CBA.

Known bugs and issues:

- Untested in standalone OA so far

- _cursor and _vehicle are mostly untested so far, probably miss a few things

Credits and Thanks:

BIS - for the games that keep me occupied since 2001

kju - All the PROPER stuff that saves me from having to do even more work

rg7621 - for TrueView, which I missed in A2 so I started doing this

Defunkt - For adding the new OA features to other weapons

Rober Hammer et al. - M14 pack

ACE and Unsung mod teams for their work

ArmedAssault.info - ReadMe Generator

Armaholic - For hosting

Neo - For hosting

Name - For having no BAS

Vladimir Alexx - for finally getting rid of that stupid bug :)

Download OA Version

my mirror


v1.21 - fix for _fov_aim_anzins

added _fov_aim for ACE X 1.10 Update 2

now using v2 signature files

v1.2 - updated _fov_aim_anzins for ANZINS weapons 1.5.2

added _fov_aim for ACE 1.10 stable

added _fov_aim for ACE X 1.10 stable

added _fov_aim for Unsung Mod

v1.13 - added BAF weapons

v1.12 - added underbarrel GL sights

v1.11 - added changes for ANZINS_weapons 1.32

added _fov_aim for RH_M14 pack

v1.1 - fixed "shuddering" FOV change when bringing up sights, thanks to Vladimir Alexx

added M32, Mk13 and M79

v1.01 - fixed m4a1_hws_gl +_camo when using ANZINS, thanks for reporting to Vladimir Alexx

v1.0 - Initial Release for OA



Old version below, only for Arma 2 without expansion!



Here is version 1.4 of my GUI pack for Arma 2, now including:

The whole packet is not even 7 KB big and you can choose which parts you want to use.

EDIT: Recommended Addons

1) My chat fix isn't done properly for all screen sizes/aspect ratios, it works fine with 16:10 and on GUI size "very small". Should be obsolete with 1.05 and higher anyway. Better use Deadfast's chat position fix instead which should work with all screens.

2) In addition to my pack look at the PROPER projects addons from kju, for example removing the hand cursor and moving the action icons/text above the action menu were on my to-do list, but now I will not make another version and use these myself. There are many other PROPER addons you might find useful.

3) If you want to change the FOV even more, not just even out aimed/unaimed and vehicles, wait for BC6feeling.

Download updated A2 pack 1.41

download old version

download only update for _fov_aim

Known bugs:

- The _cursor addon has some weapon cursors still there, for example HMMWV GL/TOW and I guess all vehicles with GL or rockets.


1.41: Update for _fov_aim: Fixed "shudder bug", added underbarrel GL sights

1.4: changed chat for patch 1.03

1.3: fixed cursor, updated chat for patch 1.02

1.2: second release, added fov_vehicle, updated compass

1.1: added fov_aim and chat, fixed peripheral

1.0: first release including cursor, peripheral and compass

Thanks again everyone for suggestions and kind words.

Visit www.armed-tactics.de for more of our stuff.

Edited by Scruffy
Update 1.21

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Thanks for this Scruffy, I can actually read the bearings on the compass now!

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Nice one thx!

Can u enlarge the compass on the map too? That would be nice! :)

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good job :)

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Great! There is someone already working on these Very useful changes. Thank you & keep it up.

But could they be even better and useful as a whole (complete) pack?

I have a couple of questions that you can maybe answer and solve them in this awesome GUI pack:

  • Are these changes in separated .pbo's, so people can disable or not what they want, like in Truemods?

  • Is the general field of view (FOV) acceptable in ArmA2? Do we need another
Trueview mod like we had in ArmA1?

  • Could this GUI pack also shrink the bottom left icons that we can see in
the picture into this modded one?

Thank you for your attention and keep it up with the great and useful job, these will be very appreciated by a lot of people.

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Hmm, lets see:

  • the compass size is increased when you choose a different UI scale setting in the graphic options
  • even though you join a novice server, you can set your preferences in the difficulty menu (you can disable the blobs in every difficulty setting)

Does your mod only change the size of the compass if you have "extra small" UI settings?

And while we are at it, did you find the chat bar config file? Its very small in the lowest UI scale setting.

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About TrueView (super addon btw) Its not needed anymore in ARMA2. :) ARMA2 basically have the same turn rate. I think you cant look exactlly straight up though, but damn close. You can look over your shoulder backwards however. I felt the ARMA2 lookaround was perfect. Didnt test for long but it was something i wanted to see as well and i felt it did what it should.

Great little addon btw! Good job. :)


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72;1305751']I think you cant look exactlly straight up though' date=' but damn close.[/quote']

When you turn your body as far up as it goes, then look up with your head (TrackIR or Alt) then I'm pretty sure you can see up to the zenith. :)

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I'd like to set the aimed and unaimed FOV at the same level so there is no more zoom without pressing mouse2 and maybe widen some vehicle FOVs as well.

I love you!!

Seriously, that sounds freaking awesome. Hope you can get it out before the international-ish release next week.

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Great! There is someone already working on these Very useful changes. Thank you & keep it up.

But could they be even better and useful as a whole (complete) pack?

I have a couple of questions that you can maybe answer and solve them in this awesome GUI pack:

  • Are these changes in separated .pbo's, so people can disable or not what they want, like in Truemods?

  • Is the general field of view (FOV) acceptable in ArmA2? Do we need another
Trueview mod like we had in ArmA1?

  • Could this GUI pack also shrink the bottom left icons that we can see in
the picture into this modded one?

Thank you for your attention and keep it up with the great and useful job, these will be very appreciated by a lot of people.

What we need from trueview is unlocked gunner positions, movable head while in a gunner position.

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What we need from trueview is unlocked gunner positions, movable head while in a gunner position.

I don't know how is the optic and normal zoom in ArmA2 but in ArmA1 it was certainly needed a change to become more realistic. Ie, there was too many zoom in when looking through some optics and while zooming in.

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First of all thank you all for your posts. Nice to see it's appreciated and thanks for the mirrors and news.

Nice one thx!

Can u enlarge the compass on the map too? That would be nice! :)

You can double click it and then it will get bigger. I'll look into it as it's still pretty small with GUI set to "very small".

Are these changes in separated .pbo's, so people can disable or not what they want, like in Truemods?
The changes are all separated and I will keep it that way, choose what you want.
Is the general field of view (FOV) acceptable in ArmA2? Do we need another Trueview mod like we had in ArmA1?
I think the FOV is acceptable, I just don't like the change and automated zoom when aiming. I don't think I will change this, but maybe I'll use another addon when it comes out :p
Could this GUI pack also shrink the bottom left icons that we can see in the picture into this modded one?
I'll see if I can get them any smaller (it's already "very small GUI" in settings), but I won't change the icons I think.
the compass size is increased when you choose a different UI scale setting in the graphic options

Does your mod only change the size of the compass if you have "extra small" UI settings?

Yes, I didn't even think about that. So I guess the compass.pbo is only for people playing with very small GUI. Don't use it if you set it higher. I'll edit the first post about that one.

I just tested it on big, it's HUGE :D

even though you join a novice server, you can set your preferences in the difficulty menu (you can disable the blobs in every difficulty setting)

When you join a server, every difficulty setting is the one set on the server. Yes, the admin can put everything off even for novice but that's not really common. Now you can play without this if you don't like it while others have it activated. It's your choice, just don't accuse anyone of cheating ;)
And while we are at it, did you find the chat bar config file? Its very small in the lowest UI scale setting.

Great idea, I'll write that down on my to-do list.

[...]about aiming zoom[...]

Seriously, that sounds freaking awesome. Hope you can get it out before the international-ish release next week.

I already have that one done, just not tested. I'll do an update in time :)

What we need from trueview is unlocked gunner positions, movable head while in a gunner position.

I'll look into that one too, good idea.

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And while we are at it, did you find the chat bar config file? Its very small in the lowest UI scale setting.

Thx about looking into that , Scruffy, i tried to look into that issue, but my skills arent that great i guess, i found a "RscActiveText.hpp" (i guess its for the size) and a "RscDisplayChat.hpp" (for the location of the chat bar) but im not sure if those are the right ones. I also tried to edit the config.cpp which is needed to make the addon working but i get an error message when starting arma.

If you need a tester or someone who helps, please PM me.

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i know that i can double klick it on the map to enlarge the compass....but it is still to small to read the degrees :(

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Update, see first post.

If anyone has any ideas regarding the _fov_aim bug please tell me.

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Update to v1.3, see first post.

Fixed bug in at_gui_cursor, now should no longer give errors/write in mission.sqm

Updated at_gui_chat for patch 1.02, no increased size necessary now, but moved chat window below written text now instead of behind it.

Still no luck with fov_aim...

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This addon pack is getting better and better!

Thanks for the updates Scruffy :)

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ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:

We have also added this release to your personal author profile

If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

Edited by Old Bear

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Nice one thx!

Can u enlarge the compass on the map too? That would be nice! :)

THX a lot for making my wish come true :D

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@Scruffy - Can we have a video of each feature to better show the respective parts of this addon?

Thanks for your attention.

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